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iAtlantic assesses the health of deep-sea ecosystems across the Atlantic Ocean

About us

Funded by a €10.6M grant from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme, the ambitious iAtlantic project will - for the first time - undertake an ocean-wide approach to understanding the factors that control the distribution, stability and vulnerability of deep-sea ecosystems. Work will span the full scale of the Atlantic basin, from the tip of Argentina in the south to Iceland in the north, and from the east coasts of USA and Brazil to the western margins of Europe and Africa. Central to the project's success is the international collaboration between scientists throughout the Atlantic region, with sharing of expertise, equipment, infrastructure, data and personnel placed at the forefront of iAtlantic's approach. To assess the status of ecosystems, scientists need to know more about how they are connected and distributed, what functions they perform and how stable they have been over time. All this requires the collection of new data, but also innovative approaches so that observations taken at local and regional levels can be scaled up to address questions at ocean basin scale. To do this, iAtlantic will align deep-ocean observing capacities in the north and south Atlantic, which will provide accurate and detailed insights into ocean circulation in the past, present and future at a range of spatial and temporal scales. The latest marine robotics and imaging technology will be used to develop predictive mapping tools toadvance understanding of deep-sea habitat distribution across the ocean. Combined with genomic data and ecological timeseries data, all this new information will provide an unprecedented view of the impacts of climate change on Atlantic ecosystems, allowing scientists to identify key drivers of ecosystem change and determine which areas of the Atlantic Ocean are most vulnerable to the effects of sustained, increasing and multiple pressures.

Company size
51-200 employees

Employees at iAtlantic

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