WATCH: The fate of 600 cats is hanging in the balance as Kenya’s only dedicated cat shelter faces eviction. Since 2020, the Nairobi Feline Sanctuary (NFS) has never turned away a cat in need, rescuing hundreds of sick, injured, elderly and disabled street cats who would never have a chance of finding a loving forever home anywhere else. Now, after being forced to choose between paying rent or buying food for the 600 cats in their care, the team has been served an eviction notice and has just one month to find a new home. NFS has identified a property that would make an ideal permanent home for the animals, but they can’t build a new shelter without our help. If we can’t provide a new home for the animals in time, the shelter will be forced to close, condemning the cats to misery, starvation and disease on Kenyan streets. Find out how you can help save 600 Kenyan rescue cats from suffering and death today: 🐈⬛ #NFACats #NFA #NetworkforAnimals #Nairobi #Kenya #FeralCats #KenyaCats #CatRescue #AnimalShelter #FelineSanctuary #CatAdoption #AnimalWelfare #NairobiFelineSanctuary #NFS #Cats #StreetCats
Network for Animals
Non-profit Organizations
Barnstable, Massachusetts 6,807 followers
Crusading Against Animal Cruelty
About us
Network for Animals is a leading force against animal cruelty, financially supporting and mentoring projects around the world while raising public awareness about animal issues. Dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, rhino and elephants all benefit from the work we do with your help. Our mission is to make the world a better place for animals.
- Industry
- Non-profit Organizations
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Barnstable, Massachusetts
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 1996
Barnstable, Massachusetts 02630, US
Employees at Network for Animals
Kai was saved in the nick of time by our partner in Kenya – now, his only home could be taken away from him. Found wandering amongst a shopping center in Nairobi with his eye bulging out of its socket, this seven-year-old cat likely gained his injury during a cat fight. Our partner, the Nairobi Feline Sanctuary (NFS), rushed him for emergency surgery. The team had no choice but to remove the eye to prevent further complications. Now, Kai is recovering at NFS – but a new crisis is looming. 600 cats just like Kai call NFS home, but the shelter is about to be evicted as they simply cannot afford both the rent and food for all the animals in their care. If they cannot find a new shelter in time, the cats could be forced back onto the harsh Kenyan streets, risking starvation, disease and death. Stay tuned to find out how we can work together to provide a new home for 600 vulnerable rescue cats – coming soon. Credit: NFS. #NFACats #NFA #NetworkforAnimals #CatRescue #NairobiFelineSanctuary #AnimalWelfare #AdoptDontShop #CatLovers #RescueCats #FelineFriends #PetAdoption #Kenya #KenyaCats
We are racing against time to save 1,500 donkeys in Mirongoine, Tanzania, where overworked, underfed animals are eating plastic out of desperation. Please, help them! Forced to haul charcoal, firewood and other heavy goods to and from the local market, the area’s working donkeys aren’t even given a bite to eat as they labor under the scorching sun. These starving animals have no option but to scrounge through the trash that lines the streets, consuming plastic alongside whatever morsels of food they can find. Every month, as many as seven donkeys die from complications related to plastic consumption. Our plan to help them is simple but effective: Clear the plastic waste, distribute food, educate donkey owners on humane treatment and provide emergency medical care. We are ready to leap into action, but we need your support to make it happen. Learn how you can help save their lives and be part of a long-term solution today: 🫏 Photo credit: NFA & ASPA. #NFADonkeys #NFA #NetworkforAnimals #Donkeys #DonkeyWelfare #AnimalRights #Tanzania #PlasticPollution #AnimalRescue #SustainableLiving #AnimalAdvocacy #EcoAwareness #Mirongoine #Arusha #ArushaSocietyfortheProtectionofAnimals #ASPA #EndAnimalCruelty #SustainableSolutionsw #HelpAnimals
In the rural village of Mirongoine, Tanzania – little more than a cluster of run-down houses intersected by a dirt road – 1,500 donkeys are being ruthlessly overworked and underfed. Few people in the area own cars; these working donkeys bear the brunt of the heavy lifting, carrying extremely heavy loads up to 10 miles (16 kilometers) to and from the local market. Even worse, they have to labor under the scorching Tanzanian sun – all without a single bite to eat. Some are so desperate they eat garbage, and every month, as many as seven donkeys die from colic related to plastic ingestion. But together, we can change this tragic reality. Our partner on the ground, the Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPA), is ready to provide food, medical care and animal welfare education immediately – all we need to do is cover the costs. Find out more about Tanzania’s suffering donkeys and help us uplift them from distress! Kindly share our post to help spread awareness, and if you can, please donate what you can: 🫏 Photo credit: NFA & ASPA. #NFADonkeys #NFA #NetworkforAnimals #Donkeys #DonkeyWelfare #AnimalRights #Tanzania #PlasticPollution #AnimalRescue #SustainableLiving #AnimalAdvocacy #EcoAwareness #Mirongoine #Arusha #ArushaSocietyfortheProtectionofAnimals #ASPA #EndAnimalCruelty #SustainableSolutionsw #HelpAnimals
WATCH: This little pup, nicknamed Koda, was saved from a gang-ridden slum in Cape Town on February 12th in terrible shape. Sick, weak and starving, his days were numbered. He was rescued alongside his sister, but despite our team’s best efforts, she was too far gone and sadly passed away. After receiving emergency care, the tiny puppy refused to eat for six days – so our campaigner on the ground, Luke Kruyt, took him in and hand-fed him to ensure he received the nutrition he needed during his recovery. It is currently very touch and go, and he requires constant, round-the-clock care and a LOT of love – because sometimes, a caring hand can mean the difference between life and death. Stay tuned for updates on this brave fighter’s healing journey, coming soon. If you'd like to contribute to this little guy's recovery, you can do so here: 🫶 #LoveNFA #NFA #NetworkforAnimals #CapeTown #ShelterDogs #PuppyRescue #RescueDog #PuppyLove #DogRescue #AnimalWelfare #CapeTownAnimals #PuppyAdoption #DogLovers #AllTheyNeedIsLove
Loaded with back-breaking burdens of firewood, charcoal and other basic goods, 1,500 donkeys in Tanzania are forced to walk up to 10 miles (16 kilometers) to a local market. Once there, they aren’t even rewarded with a bite to eat, left to starve or rummage in trash heaps for any food they can find. Those who choose the second option often end up with stomachs full of plastic, causing colic and slow, agonizing starvation. The donkeys are trapped in a nightmare – overworked and underfed, with as many as seven donkeys dropping dead every month. Together, we can change this tragic reality. With your support, we will clear the plastic trash that lines the streets, distribute food at the market every week, educate donkey owners on how to care for their animals, and provide crucial medical care for those facing painful or life-threatening injuries and diseases. Please join us on this long-term solution to tackle the devastating plight of 1,500 donkeys in Tanzania: 🫏 Photo credit: NFA #NFADonkeys #NFA #NetworkforAnimals #Donkeys #DonkeyWelfare #AnimalRights #Tanzania #PlasticPollution #AnimalRescue #SustainableLiving #AnimalAdvocacy #EcoAwareness #Mirongoine #Arusha #ArushaSocietyfortheProtectionofAnimals #ASPA #EndAnimalCruelty
Thank you for protecting 2,000 dogs in Tanzania from rabies! In December 2024, our partner, Lake Zone Animal Welfare Organization (LAZAWO), alerted us to a rabies outbreak in Shinyanga, Tanzania. Local communities began to panic, resulting in the fear-driven killing of several street dogs. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to direct emergency relief funds to our team on the ground, empowering them to conduct a mass rabies vaccination campaign in the area. Together, we covered the cost of 1,000 rabies vaccines, complementing the 1,000 vaccinations provided by the Tanzanian government. In just two days, our team successfully vaccinated 2,000 dogs against rabies in Shinyanga. We are so proud of the important work being done by our partner and are deeply grateful to our devoted supporters, who make these life-saving efforts possible. Let's keep the momentum going. If you’d like to help us make an even greater difference for Tanzania’s needy animals, support our campaign to provide 1,500 starving, overworked donkeys with vital food and medical care: #NFAUpdate #NFADonkeys #NFA #NetworkforAnimals #Tanzania #Rabies #RabiesAwareness #AnimalWelfare #TanzaniaDogs #VaccinationCampaign #LAZAWO #EndRabies #DogRescue #CommunityImpact #StreetDogs #LakeZone #LakeZoneAnimalWelfareOrganization #Shinyanga
Forced to carry back-breaking loads in the heavy Tanzanian sun without a single bite to eat, 1,500 starving donkeys are eating plastic out of pure desperation. Used as little more than vehicles to carry heavy loads of firewood, charcoal and other goods, the donkeys’ owners mercilessly beat the poor animals, subjecting them to starvation, exhaustion and relentless abuse. Since 2022, we have provided the area’s donkeys with water and shelter from the sun – but now we have uncovered a new nightmare. After going up to 10 hours without food, the animals have no choice but to scavenge through garbage for what little sustenance they can find. Every month, as many as seven donkeys die with stomachs full of plastic, suffering from a slow, agonizing death. In places like Tanzania, your donations go so far. You can help these suffering donkeys by generously donating via our website: 🫏 Photo credit: NFA & ASPA. #NFADonkeys #NFA #NetworkforAnimals #Donkeys #DonkeyWelfare #AnimalRights #Tanzania #PlasticPollution #AnimalRescue #SustainableLiving #AnimalAdvocacy #EcoAwareness #Mirongoine #Arusha #ArushaSocietyfortheProtectionofAnimals #ASPA
WATCH: Updates from Ukraine – Thanks to YOU a new rescue vehicle saves animal lives! In September last year, our partner in Ukraine, Animal Rescue Kharkiv (ARK), suffered a devastating loss – their animal rescue vehicle was severely damaged while they were trying to evacuate animals in Toretsk. With the vehicle too badly damaged to drive on the war-damaged roads, and no tow trucks willing to venture into the heart of the war zone to salvage it, the team had no choice but to abandon it and head back to safety. So many animals were still waiting to be saved on the frontlines, so we reached out to our supporters with an urgent plea for help. Thanks to your generosity, we could help purcahse a new vehicle in Sweden and drive it down to the ARK team. This has empowered our partner to save even more dogs and cats from death in this horrific war. So many lives have been saved thanks to your unwavering support – thank for you standing with the animals of Ukraine. Stay tuned for more updates from Ukraine! If you wish to learn more about our efforts in war zones worldwide, please visit our website: #NFAUpdates #NFAUkraine #NFAWar #NFA #NetworkforAnimals #ARK #Kharkiv #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar #AnimalRescue #SupportUkraine #PetRescue #AnimalWelfare #SaveAnimals #CharitySupport #UkraineRelief #HelpAnimals #Toretsk #AnimalRescueKharkiv
Did you know that up to SEVEN donkeys die each month in Tanzania from eating plastic? In the rural village of Mirongoine, Tanzania, 1,500 overworked donkeys are forced to carry massive loads of firewood, charcoal, and other goods every week, then walk over 10 miles (16 kilometers) under the scorching sun to and from the local market. Donkeys are beaten mercilessly and whipped when they pause for breath as the heavy loads tear into their flesh – without even a drop to drink. NFA has been actively working in the area since 2022 with our dedicated partner, the Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPA), to provide the donkey's shelter and water, but now we face a new challenge: starvation. Donkeys are forced to work each day WITHOUT food – forcing them to scavenge from garbage heaps. In their desperation, they're consuming plastic that blocks their digestive tracts, leading to colic, further starvation, and eventually a slow and agonizing death. The situation is dire and complex, but our solution is simple and proven effective: Dispose of plastic waste, distribute food, educate donkey owners on humane treatment, and provide emergency medical care for donkeys. We need your help to get started right away. Please help us spread awareness by sharing, commenting, and possibly donating to the cause on our website: 🫏 #NFADonkeys #NFA #NetworkforAnimals #Donkeys #DonkeyWelfare #AnimalRights #Tanzania #PlasticPollution #AnimalRescue #SustainableLiving #AnimalAdvocacy #EcoAwareness #Mirongoine #Arusha #ArushaSocietyfortheProtectionofAnimals #ASPA