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🌍 🤲🏼 Towards the end of last year I was privileged to lead the Our Shared Future event at University of Strathclyde. The two day event explored how we needed to "Develop Our Joint Pathway for Impactful Partnerships in Africa" and was attended by colleagues from not only Strathclyde but our partners from across African institutions and the UK. As part of our University Diamond Jubilee celebrations we wanted to recognise and celebrate our collaborations and engagements across the African continent. More importantly, we also wanted to explore how those ways of collaborating and engaging could be improved as we go forward together. Joyce Msuya set us on an incredible path with her keynote address - poignant and rallying words from such an inspiring speaker who is working at the sharp end of our humanitarian crises. It was also encouraging to hear from The Scottish Government Cabinet Minister Angus Robertson and Malawi High Commission UK Deputy Commissioner Agnes Patemba of their commitment and enthusiasm to maintain and build partnerships in this space which meet in-country needs and seek to support those most left behind first. The event left us all feeling inspired and fired up to develop our partnerships further and in this time of challenging news headlines it is always wonderful to remember how we can work across geographical, cultural, disciplinary and sectoral borders for the betterment of people and the planet! There will be more to come on the outputs and recommendations so watch this space! Could not have done this without the amazing team and colleagues who provided so much support at Strathclyde Conferencing and Events (Gordon Hodge), RKES: Carrie Manning Kimberly Smith Clare Mclaren Grant Carpenter, our fabulous PGR community and to Cameron Mackay for capturing the essence of the event so well. Kondwani Chidziwisano Nancy Chitera Address Malata Mzuzu University Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences- MUBAS Malawi University of Science and Technology Scotland Malawi Partnership One Ocean Hub Malindi Msoni Alphonse Nkurunziza James Dixon Winnie Mitullah Emmanuel Dzisi Festival Godwin Boateng Damien Frame Stuart Galloway Aran Eales Edward Sosu Peter Mtika Dr. Philile Mbatha Pippin Searle Emma K. Macdonald Stephen Young Institute for International Business Donald Robertson The Challenges Group Eoghan Mackie Kevin Ibex Francesco Sindico Tara Beattie Neil Quinn Elita Chamdimba