Our teaser for Show Me Your Glory is officially out now! We believe this film will impact and change lives in a meaningful way! Out this May in Theaters nationwide! True stories of when the supernatural crashed into human suffering! #ShowMeYourGlory #ShowMeYourGloryFilm #NewMovie #Miracles #FaithAndHope #Supernatural #Reality #Testimony #Healing #FaithBasedMedia #ComingSoon #LivesChanged https://lnkd.in/evcrByUU
Outdoor Adventures
Non-profit Organization Management
Ending the fatherless epidemic through mentorship.
About us
Our vision is obedience to scripture, which says: “Defend the fatherless” and “look after orphans.” - Psalm 82:3 and James 1:27. Through our obedience to Christ's Great Commission, we hope to break the cultural bondage that exists in under-served communities, which perpetuates poverty, crime, and an overburdened welfare system. We desire to raise up indigenous leaders from within under-served communities who can carry the Gospel of Christ to future generations. Furthermore, we strive to cure boredom in our churches by inspiring service-minded faith, which is enacted through leadership in our under-served local communities. We believe that mission is the catalyst for discipleship!
- Website
External link for Outdoor Adventures
- Industry
- Non-profit Organization Management
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Type
- Nonprofit
Employees at Outdoor Adventures
This Summer marked TEN years of Outdoor Adventures Walkabout camps for fatherless youth. It all started with 1 camp per year with inner city youth from Houston. And, through God’s blessing, guidance and provision, it has grown tremendously with multiple salvations, baptisms, re-dedications and promotions to leadership taking place this Summer alone. Huge shout out to our camp staff who showed up, stepped up and worked very hard to serve and love on fatherless youth from across the nation. Without them, our 2024 camp season would not have happened. BIGGEST shout out to our King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who continues to prove Himself to be a Father to the Fatherless. To HIM and HIM alone be ALL of the GLORY!!! #OutdoorAdventures #Fatherless #Fatherlessness #FatherlessEpidemic #Orphan #Adoption #Discipleship #Mentorship #Mentorshipmatters #FatherlessGeneration
We have had the privilege of seeing this film already. It is phenomenal! It is VERY near to the heart of our mission! Please go see it! Men, drag your friends! Churches, bring your whole men’s ministry! https://lnkd.in/eWJj5eSA
“Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation” Psalm 68:5 How amazing it is to have a Heavenly Father who protects us, provides for us, and loves us so very much! Praise Him! We challenge you today to do something about the fatherless epidemic. We invite you to partner with us, and you can do that in many different ways! You can join The Alliance, donate money, sponsor a child for camp, get a ministry for the fatherless started in your church, and as always, pray for the fatherless of our country and ask God how He wants you to join us in this mission! #OutdoorAdventures #Fatherless #Fatherlessness #FatherlessEpidemic #Orphan #Adoption #Discipleship #Mentorship #MentorshipMatters #FatherlessGeneration
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27 This verse is very near and dear to our mission, we want to encourage you with the verse and challenge you with this statistic from @psalm68five . Take time today to pray for the fatherless, pray for the widows, and ask our Heavenly Father how He is leading you to take care of the widows and the orphans. #OutdoorAdventures #Fatherless #Fatherlessness #FatherlessEpidemic #Orphan #Adoption #Discipleship #Mentorship #Mentorshipmatters #FatherlessGeneration
Pictures from this week’s Walkabout! “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27 We want to encourage you with this verse today, and ask that you partner with us in prayer for the orphans and widows of today. #OutdoorAdventures #Fatherless #Fatherlessness #FatherlessEpidemic #Orphan #Adoption #Discipleship #Mentorship #Mentorshipmatters #FatherlessGeneration
This last week’s Walkabout trip! #OutdoorAdventures #Fatherless #Fatherlessness #FatherlessEpidemic #Orphan #Adoption #Discipleship #Mentorship #Mentorshipmatters #FatherlessGeneration
8 billion people in the world, more than 20 million of those 8 billion are children living in a home without a father, about 18.3 million of those children live in the U.S. The Good News: God is the Heavenly Father to not only the 20 million fatherless children, but to all 8 billion of His children. He loves, and created all 8 billion of us. He is our Heavenly Father who helps us, upholds us, and loves us. He is so GOOD! We encourage you to pray for the fatherless, and thank God for being our Heavenly Father! #OutdoorAdventures #Fatherless #Fatherlessness #FatherlessEpidemic #Orphan #Adoption #Discipleship #Mentorship #Mentorshipmatters #FatherlessGeneration
Happy Father’s Day! We want to help you become a better dad, so we created a 52 week video curriculum to help you accomplish that! The Faithful Fatherhood Course is now available! Click on the link below to get started! If you are a member of The ALLIANCE for Ending the Fatherless Epidemic you get full access to the course for free! https://lnkd.in/eJu2EuC9
“Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the LORD; exult before him! Father of the fatherless and protector of the widows is God in his holy habitation.” Psalm 68:4-5 Join us today in praising our Heavenly Father for who He is and the wonderful, miraculous things He does! He deserves all the glory and the honor forever! #OutdoorAdventures #Fatherless #Fatherlessness #FatherlessEpidemic #Orphan #Adoption #Discipleship #Mentorship #Mentorshipmatters #FatherlessGeneration