Do you want to know more about Interreg Europe #PLASTIX On-Site Deep Dives to Värmland and Lombardy? The fourth newsletter is out! Read it here: Sign up here for the next editions: The Baltic Institute of Finland | The Council of Tampere Region / Pirkanmaan liitto | ACCIÓ | AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia | Provincie Fryslân | Paper Province | Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection | Razvojna agencija Savinjsko-šaleške regije, d.o.o. / Development Agency of Savinja-Šalek Region | City Development Agency-Cidea | Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
About us
Interreg Europe project PLASTIX facilitates industrial transition towards a resource-efficient economy, circular economy growth and eco-innovations in participating regions, and in other European regions. The project tackles the growing problem of plastic waste, its recyclability and its replaceability as a part of the transition towards a more circular economy. All European regions are facing similar plastics challenges: consumption of huge amount of plastics, their recyclability, reusability and replaceability with bio-based raw materials, as well as microplastics are issues that need to be solved. Furthermore, waste plastic also causes climate change.
- Website
External link for PLASTIX
- Industry
- Manufacturing
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2023
Do you wish to know more about the On-Site Deep Dives (OSDDs) to the six partner regions within Interreg Europe #PLASTIX project? The video on the OSDD series, completed in Lombardy, is out! Watch it here: The Baltic Institute of Finland | The Council of Tampere Region / Pirkanmaan liitto | ACCIÓ | AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia | Provincie Fryslân | Paper Province | Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection | Razvojna agencija Savinjsko-šaleške regije, d.o.o. / Development Agency of Savinja-Šalek Region | City Development Agency-Cidea | Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University Regione Lombardia | Region Värmland | ROLD | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden | Leitat Technological Center | KIPI – Kiertotalous Pirkanmaa | Circulair Friesland | PUP-Saubermacher | Visual Recycling Oy Politecnico di Milano | Università degli Studi di Brescia | The Cannon Group | Centrocot S.p.A. | COREPLA - Consorzio Nazionale per la Raccolta, il Riciclo e il Recupero degli Imballaggi in Plastica | INSTM - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali | Ogyre | RadiciGroup | Tecnoalimenti S.C.p.A. STIIMA-CNR | Arexpo s.p.a. | MIND Milano Innovation District
On the 20 November 2024, the Open Seminar “Lombardy initiatives and best practices in the Circular and Sustainable Plastics Value Chain”, organized within PLASTIX project (co-funded by Interreg Europe), took place in Milan (Italy). Hosted by AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia (project partner) and Regione Lombardia (Associated Policy Authority), the event has kicked-off with a presentation about the regional Policy Initiatives for Sustainable Industrial Ecosystems, followed by an overview of #PLASTIX activities by the coordinator The Baltic Institute of Finland . During the morning, after an introduction on the regional ecosystem for Advanced Manufacturing by #AFIL, several Lombardy stakeholders had the opportunity to showcase their best practices related to plastics, circular economy and sustainability, namely ROLD, Politecnico di Milano, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Tecnoalimenti S.C.p.A., The Cannon Group, Centrocot S.p.A. , COREPLA - Consorzio Nazionale per la Raccolta, il Riciclo e il Recupero degli Imballaggi in Plastica, INSTM - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Ogyre and RadiciGroup. In addition to the specific focus on the hosting region, the seminar was an occasion to listen to presentations by stakeholders coming from #PLASTIX countries, namely Leitat Technological Center, Region Värmland, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, PUP-Saubermacher and Visual Recycling Oy. Video recording of the event: Stakeholders' presentations: The Council of Tampere Region / Pirkanmaan liitto | ACCIÓ | Provincie Fryslân | Paper Province | Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection | Razvojna agencija Savinjsko-šaleške regije, d.o.o. / Development Agency of Savinja-Šalek Region, | City Development Agency-Cidea | Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
PLASTIX Open Seminar on Lombardy Circular and Sustainable Plastics Value Chain (20/11/24)
PLASTIX reposted this
La seconda giornata dell’On-Site Deep Dive (OSDD) Visit in Lombardia è cominciata il 21 novembre 2024 in MIND Milano Innovation District, dove i partner e gli stakeholder del progetto europeo PLASTIX sono stati accompagnati da #AFIL e Regione Lombardia. Il primo incontro della mattinata si è tenuto con Arexpo s.p.a., che ha presentato la propria missione ed il piano rigenerazione urbana sostenibile per #MIND. La delegazione #PLASTIX si è poi spostata nei vicini laboratori di ROLD, per una serie di presentazioni sull’impresa, sul RLab e sulla ROLD Academy, una visita degli spazi ospitati in #MIND ed un tour virtuale dello stabilimento produttivo di Nerviano. Nel pomeriggio, il gruppo è stato accolto a Caronno Pertusella (Varese) da The Cannon Group, che ha offerto una panoramica delle attività aziendali ed organizzato una visita dedicata in Cannon Afros e Cannon Ergos.
The second day of the On-Site Deep Dive (OSDD) Visit to Lombardy started on the 21 November 2024 at MIND Milano Innovation District, where the #PLASTIX delegation was accompanied by AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia and Regione Lombardia. The first meeting of the morning took place with Arexpo s.p.a., which delivered a presentation about its mission and the sustainable urban regeneration plan for #MIND. #PLASTIX partners and stakeholders later moved to the nearby ROLD laboratories, where several presentations about the company, the RLab and the ROLD Academy, as well as an onsite visit to the premises hosted in #MIND and a virtual tour of the factory in Nerviano, were offered to them. In the afternoon, the delegation was welcomed in Caronno Pertusella (Varese) by The Cannon Group, which provided an overview of the corporate activities and organized a dedicated visit to Cannon Afros and Cannon Ergos. The Baltic Institute of Finland | The Council of Tampere Region / Pirkanmaan liitto | ACCIÓ | Provincie Fryslân | Paper Province | Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection | Razvojna agencija Savinjsko-šaleške regije, d.o.o. / Development Agency of Savinja-Šalek Region | City Development Agency-Cidea | Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University Università degli Studi di Brescia | Leitat Technological Center | Region Värmland | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden | PUP-Saubermacher | Visual Recycling Oy
PLASTIX reposted this
L’ultima delle sei On-Site Deep Dive (OSDD) Visits nell’ambito del progetto europeo PLASTIX (co-finanziato da Interreg Europe), organizzata da #AFIL in collaborazione con Regione Lombardia, è iniziata a Milano il 20 novembre 2024. L’Open Seminar “Lombardy initiatives and best practices in the Circular and Sustainable Plastics Value Chain”, tenutosi in mattinata al Grattacielo Pirelli, ha dato modo a Regione Lombardia (Associated Policy Authority nel progetto) di dare il benvenuto ad oltre 50 partecipanti e di presentare le proprie iniziative finalizzate a supportare la sostenibilità degli ecosistemi industriali. L'intervento di apertura da parte dell'autorità regionale è stato seguito da quelli del coordinatore dell’iniziativa #PLASTIX The Baltic Institute of Finland , del partner ospitante #AFIL e di tre stakeholder lombardi fortemente coinvolti nella Filiera Sostenibile e Intelligente dei Polimeri Avanzati, ossia ROLD (capofila), Politecnico di Milano and Università degli Studi di Brescia. Hanno poi presentato le proprie best practices nel settore della plastica altri stakeholder attivi sul territorio lombardo (The Cannon Group, Centrocot S.p.A. , COREPLA - Consorzio Nazionale per la Raccolta, il Riciclo e il Recupero degli Imballaggi in Plastica, INSTM - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Ogyre, RadiciGroup e Tecnoalimenti S.C.p.A.) e provenienti dalle regioni rappresentate da #PLASTIX (Leitat Technological Center, Region Värmland, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, PUP-Saubermacher and Visual Recycling Oy). Anche i partner del progetto #PLASTIX (The Council of Tampere Region / Pirkanmaan liitto, ACCIÓ, Provincie Fryslân, Paper Province, Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection, Razvojna agencija Savinjsko-šaleške regije, d.o.o. / Development Agency of Savinja-Šalek Region) ed i discovery partner (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University e City Development Agency-Cidea) erano presenti al seminario, trasmesso anche in streaming. Nel pomeriggio, due visite ai laboratori del Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica "Giulio Natta" del Politecnico di Milano e di STIIMA-CNR sono state organizzate a Milano per la delegazione #PLASTIX.
The last of the six On-Site Deep Dive (OSDD) Visits of the Interreg Europe #PLASTIX project, organized by AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia in cooperation with Regione Lombardia, kicked-off in Milan on the 20 November 2024. The Open Seminar “Lombardy initiatives and best practices in the Circular and Sustainable Plastics Value Chain”, held in the morning at Grattacielo Pirelli, gave the opportunity to Lombardy Region (Associated Policy Authority in the project) to welcome over 50 participants and present their policy initiatives supporting sustainable industrial ecosystems. This intervention was followed by the ones from #PLASTIX coordinator The Baltic Institute of Finland , the host partner #AFIL and three of the regional stakeholders heavily involved in the Lombardy Sustainable and Smart Value Chain on Advanced Polymers, namely the coordinator ROLD, Politecnico di Milano and Università degli Studi di Brescia. Other stakeholders active in Lombardy (The Cannon Group, Centrocot S.p.A. , COREPLA - Consorzio Nazionale per la Raccolta, il Riciclo e il Recupero degli Imballaggi in Plastica, INSTM - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Ogyre, RadiciGroup e Tecnoalimenti S.C.p.A.) and coming from #PLASTIX regions (Leitat Technological Center, Region Värmland, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, PUP-Saubermacher and Visual Recycling Oy) have showcased their best practices in plastic sector. Also the other #PLASTIX project partners (The Council of Tampere Region / Pirkanmaan liitto, ACCIÓ, Provincie Fryslân, Paper Province, Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection, Razvojna agencija Savinjsko-šaleške regije, d.o.o. / Development Agency of Savinja-Šalek Region) and the discovery partners (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University and City Development Agency-Cidea) have attended the seminar, that was also streamed live. In the afternoon, two site visits to the Laboratories of the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” of Politecnico di Milano and those of STIIMA-CNR (Institute Intelligent Industrial Systems and Technologies for Advanced Manufacturing of the National Research Council) were organized in Milan for the #PLASTIX delegation.
The second day of the On-Site Deep Dive (OSDD) Visit to Lombardy started on the 21 November 2024 at MIND Milano Innovation District, where the #PLASTIX delegation was accompanied by AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia and Regione Lombardia. The first meeting of the morning took place with Arexpo s.p.a., which delivered a presentation about its mission and the sustainable urban regeneration plan for #MIND. #PLASTIX partners and stakeholders later moved to the nearby ROLD laboratories, where several presentations about the company, the RLab and the ROLD Academy, as well as an onsite visit to the premises hosted in #MIND and a virtual tour of the factory in Nerviano, were offered to them. In the afternoon, the delegation was welcomed in Caronno Pertusella (Varese) by The Cannon Group, which provided an overview of the corporate activities and organized a dedicated visit to Cannon Afros and Cannon Ergos. The Baltic Institute of Finland | The Council of Tampere Region / Pirkanmaan liitto | ACCIÓ | Provincie Fryslân | Paper Province | Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection | Razvojna agencija Savinjsko-šaleške regije, d.o.o. / Development Agency of Savinja-Šalek Region | City Development Agency-Cidea | Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University Università degli Studi di Brescia | Leitat Technological Center | Region Värmland | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden | PUP-Saubermacher | Visual Recycling Oy
The last of the six On-Site Deep Dive (OSDD) Visits of the Interreg Europe #PLASTIX project, organized by AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia in cooperation with Regione Lombardia, kicked-off in Milan on the 20 November 2024. The Open Seminar “Lombardy initiatives and best practices in the Circular and Sustainable Plastics Value Chain”, held in the morning at Grattacielo Pirelli, gave the opportunity to Lombardy Region (Associated Policy Authority in the project) to welcome over 50 participants and present their policy initiatives supporting sustainable industrial ecosystems. This intervention was followed by the ones from #PLASTIX coordinator The Baltic Institute of Finland , the host partner #AFIL and three of the regional stakeholders heavily involved in the Lombardy Sustainable and Smart Value Chain on Advanced Polymers, namely the coordinator ROLD, Politecnico di Milano and Università degli Studi di Brescia. Other stakeholders active in Lombardy (The Cannon Group, Centrocot S.p.A. , COREPLA - Consorzio Nazionale per la Raccolta, il Riciclo e il Recupero degli Imballaggi in Plastica, INSTM - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Ogyre, RadiciGroup e Tecnoalimenti S.C.p.A.) and coming from #PLASTIX regions (Leitat Technological Center, Region Värmland, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, PUP-Saubermacher and Visual Recycling Oy) have showcased their best practices in plastic sector. Also the other #PLASTIX project partners (The Council of Tampere Region / Pirkanmaan liitto, ACCIÓ, Provincie Fryslân, Paper Province, Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection, Razvojna agencija Savinjsko-šaleške regije, d.o.o. / Development Agency of Savinja-Šalek Region) and the discovery partners (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University and City Development Agency-Cidea) have attended the seminar, that was also streamed live. In the afternoon, two site visits to the Laboratories of the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” of Politecnico di Milano and those of STIIMA-CNR (Institute Intelligent Industrial Systems and Technologies for Advanced Manufacturing of the National Research Council) were organized in Milan for the #PLASTIX delegation.
The On-Site Deep Dive (OSDD) Visit to Lombardy will be hosted by AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia, in cooperation with Regione Lombardia, on the 20 and 21 November 2024. The two-day event, organized within Interreg Europe #PLASTIX project, is planned to kick-off in the morning of Wednesday 20 with an Open Seminar, which will be an occasion for Lombardy Region to present their policy initiatives supporting sustainable industrial ecosystems, also in synergy with #AFIL, and for Lombardy stakeholders and those coming from abroad to showcase some of the best practices in plastic sector. The OSDD Lombardy will also include visits to laboratories and companies in the afternoon of the first day and on Thursday 21. Interview (before the OSSD) with the host partner #AFIL: Agenda of the Open Seminar: Streaming link for the Open Seminar (starting from 9:15):
The fifth On-Site Deep Dive (OSDD) of the Interreg Europe #PLASTIX project took place in Värmland (Sweden) on the 10 and 11 September 2024. The Baltic Institute of Finland (coordinator), The Council of Tampere Region / Pirkanmaan liitto, ACCIÓ, AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia, Provincie Fryslân, Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection and Razvojna agencija Savinjsko-šaleške regije, d.o.o. / Development Agency of Savinja-Šalek Region, as well as the two new discovery partners City Development Agency-Cidea and Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, were hosted by Paper Province. During the open seminar on plastics, circularity and packaging in the morning of the first day, #PLASTIX partners and stakeholders had the opportunity to know more about the activities implemented by Karlstads universitet, Karlstads Energi AB, Blue Ocean Closures, IKEA and Stora Enso. The event was also the occasion for presentations by some regional stakeholders coming from Finland, Italy, Catalonia, the Netherlands and Slovenia, namely Tampere University of Applied Sciences, ROLD, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Circulair Friesland and Skaza REthink plastics. Respect LIFE. The OSDD Värmland also included visits to Circlab, Karlstad Innovation Park, Karlstad University and Stora Enso Research Lab, a detailed presentation of the innovation landscape of Region Värmland and Academy for Smart Specialisation, as well as a workshop on the Circular Benchmark Tool. More information on the OSDD Värmland & open seminar:
Do you wish to know more about Interreg Europe #PLASTIX activities of the first half of 2024 and the two discovery partners joining the consortium? The third newsletter is out! Read it here: Sign up here for the next editions: The Baltic Institute of Finland | The Council of Tampere Region / Pirkanmaan liitto | ACCIÓ | AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia | Provincie Fryslân | Paper Province | Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection | Razvojna agencija Savinjsko-šaleške regije, d.o.o. / Development Agency of Savinja-Šalek Region | City Development Agency-Cidea | Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University