The POWER-E-COM team is ready to recharge and celebrate the holidays! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our mission of #empowering renewable #EnergyCommunities. ✨ We wish you a Merry Christmas🎄and a Happy New Year filled with lots of #RenewableEnergy ✨ LIFE Programme Project Partners: Escan consultoría energética Black Sea Energy Research Centrе WIP Renewable Energies Bürgerstiftung Energiewende Oberland OÖ Energiesparverband Ayuntamiento de Rivas Vaciamadrid Technological University of the Shannon Tipperary Energy Agency #municipality_of_Gabrovo #energetsko_podnebna_agencija_za_podravje #chernomorski_izledovateleski_energien_tsentar #municipality_of_selnica_ob_dravi #templederry_renewable_energy_supply
Technology, Information and Media
Empowering Renewable and Citizen Energy Communities
About us
By supporting cooperation between municipalities, existing energy communities and active citizens, the realisation of local renewable energy communities will be promoted. Models will be developed to support and facilitate the establishment of energy communities, taking into account the respective regulatory requirements in the six partner countries. This should enable the actors involved to establish, operate and expand energy communities based on adapted and evolving business models.
- Website
External link for POWER-E-COM
- Industry
- Technology, Information and Media
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Specialties
- cooperation, municipalities, energy communities, and renewable energy
🌍💡Last month, our Slovenian partner Energetsko podnebna agencija ENERGAP had the pleasure of attending the POWER-E-COM workshop hosted by our Austrian partner OÖ Energiesparverband in Linz. Participants gained valuable insights into the operations of the local STERN-EEG eGen #EnergyCommunity and the role of distribution grid operators like Netz Oberösterreich in supporting such initiatives. 👥 The workshop highlighted the potential of energy communities to reduce #EnergyPoverty, increase local #participation, and foster #SustainableEnergy solutions. #cooperation #empowerment #Slovenia #Austria #RenewableEnergy LIFE Programme
💼 Our Spanish project partner Escan consultoría energética, in collaboration with the Regional Energy Agency, hosted an impactful in-person training session in Madrid. ☀️ The course brought together participants from regional energy agencies and local authorities to explore the potential of #EnergyCommunities, from technical and economic concepts to hands-on group work designing community models. 🚀 The interactive format was a great success. Together, we’re building a sustainable energy future! #RenewableEnergy #empowerment #Spain LIFE Programme
👉 POWER-E-COM at “Canagua y Energía” International Fair in the Canary Islands 🏝️🌐 On Friday, November 29th, we had the privilege to present the POWER-E-COM project at the XIV Edition of “Canagua y Energía”. Organized by Infecar Feria de Gran Canaria and promoted by the CABILDO DE GRAN CANARIA, this event provided an exceptional platform to discuss the clean energy transition on a global scale. During a dedicated workshop, we introduced the key objectives of the new European Energy Directives (EED, RED, EPBD) and highlighted the market and regulatory landscape for energy communities in Spain. Francisco Puente shared how POWER-E-COM supports public institutions and other national initiatives in fostering secure, affordable, and clean energy systems for Europe. 🚀 The journey toward a sustainable energy future requires collaboration and commitment. We're thrilled to contribute to shaping a greener future! #POWERECOM #EnergyCommunities #CleanEnergy #Sustainability #RenewableEnergy #EnergyTransition #CanaguayEnergía
🎓 Our German project partner successfully launched their training program yesterday! After touring the local energy cooperative's agri-PV system 🐮☀️, participants learned about the latest developments in #EnergySharing. The event concluded with a lively discussion and exchange of ideas. #EnergyCommunity #Energytransition #RenewableEnergy LIFE Programme
Erfolgreiches Austauschtreffen zu Energiegemeinschaften im Oberland Im Zuge des Projektes POWER-E-COM konnte am 28.11.2024 ein spannendes Programm für das interessierte Netzwerk organisiert werden: 1. Besichtigung Agri-PV-Anlage in Ohlstadt: Führung der Energiegenossenschaft Oberland und dem zugehörigen Landwirt 2. Austauschtreffen im KTM Murnau: Vorstellung des POWER-E-COM Projekts und Einsichten in die Arbeiten der Energiegenossenschaft Oberland Die Veranstaltung bot eine Plattform für den Austausch von Erfahrungen und die Vernetzung der Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf gemeinschaftliche Lösungen für die Energiewende. Vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten für den gelungenen Austausch, weitere Treffen sind in naher Zukunft geplant.
The first part of our mentoring programme for Bulgarian Energy Communities is in the books! Representatives from #municipality_of_Gabrovo and the Black Sea Energy Research Centrе joined forces with our expert partners to delve into the world of #Renewable #EnergyCommunities. Our mentors shared their invaluable insights on: 💡 Facilitating Energy Communities (OÖ Energiesparverband) 🏆 Best practices where municipalities lead Community Energy Projects (Energetsko podnebna agencija ENERGAP) 👥 Engaging communities and understanding the benefits for individuals (#templederry_renewable_energy_supply) 💰 Developing sustainable business models and exploring financing options (Escan consultoría energética) This exchange provided a platform for knowledge sharing, fostering #collaboration, and empowering Bulgarian stakeholders to drive the development of successful Energy Communities. We're excited to see how these learnings will be applied to accelerate the energy transition in #Bulgaria 🚀 #Europe #energytransition #empowerment LIFE Programme
Do you want to learn more about the opportunities and challenges of #EnergySharing in #Germany? Then this might be of interest to you:
Spannende Einblicke in die Welt des #EnergySharing! ⚡ In unseren Online-Fachvorträgen sprechen Marina Braun und Julia Ludwig über die Herausforderungen und Chancen von Bürgerenergieprojekten. Möchten Sie mehr erfahren und sich mit anderen Akteuren im Bereich #Energiegemeinschaften austauschen? Dann kommen Sie zu unserer Veranstaltung am 28.11.2024 nach Murnau, die im Rahmen unseres Projekts POWER-E-COM organisieren! Wir besichtigen zuerst gemeinsam die neue, von der #Energiegenossenschaft #Oberland realisierte, Agri-PV-Anlage und treffen uns anschließend zum gemeinsamen Austausch. Mehr Infos und Anmeldung unter: Die Videos können Sie hier anschauen: In diesem Video teilt Marina Braun ihre Erfahrungen aus über 10 Jahren Praxis in Bürgerenergieprojekten. In diesem Video gibt Julia Ludwig (Rechtsanwältin bei der Die Die BBH-Gruppe) einen umfassenden Überblick über die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen von Energy Sharing und Bürgerenergiegesellschaften im Sinne des EEG.
Our recent meeting with our Advisory Board was very inspiring! The expertise and diverse perspectives of our external experts provide us with valuable input for our ongoing project work. We are grateful for this great #cooperation! 🤝 Thank you Gerhard Dell, Javier Lázaro Serrano, Paul Coughlan, Boris Sučić for your support! #EnergyCommunities #Europe #renewableenergy #empowerment LIFE Programme Project Partners: Escan consultoría energética Black Sea Energy Research Centrе WIP Renewable Energies Bürgerstiftung Energiewende Oberland OÖ Energiesparverband Ayuntamiento de Rivas Vaciamadrid Technological University of the Shannon Tipperary Energy Agency #municipality_of_Gabrovo #energetsko_podnebna_agencija_za_podravje #chernomorski_izledovateleski_energien_tsentar #municipality_of_selnica_ob_dravi #templederry_renewable_energy_supply
📅 На 13 и 14 ноември 2024 г. в Хотел "Хемус", гр. София, ще се проведе XVIII-та НАЦИОНАЛНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ НА АСОЦИАЦИЯТА НА БЪЛГАРСКИТЕ ЕНЕРГИЙНИ АГЕНЦИИ. 📌 Първият ден ще премине под знака на НАЦИОНАЛНАТА КРЪГЛА МАСА ЗА ФИНАНСИРАНЕ НА ИНВЕСТИЦИИ ЗА ЕНЕРГИЙНА ЕФЕКТИВНОСТ В БЪЛГАРИЯ. Тя ще постави началото и на петия Национален ден на обновяването, в който водещи експерти от Министерството на енергетиката, Министерството на регионалното развитие и благоустройството и представители на европейски институции ще представят текущите програми и политики за обновяване на сградния фонд. Ще бъдат обсъдени европейските цели и предизвикателства в декарбонизацията, с примери за успешни практики от Естония и от български общини. След това ще последват дискусии за иновативни модели за финансиране на енергийно ефективно обновяване, с участието на представители на Световната банка, Renovate Europe, EPBD.wise, ФЕЕВИ, Фонд на фондовете и други. 📌 Основните акценти през втория ден ще бъдат поставени върху образователните проекти и обучения за прехода към чиста енергия. Ще бъдат представени пътни карти за повишаване на квалификацията в строителния сектор, иновативни учебни материали с виртуална реалност, както и методи за обучение на специалисти за нулевоемисионни сгради. Следобедната програма ще включва семинар за борба с енергийната бедност и сесии за въвличане на гражданите в енергийния преход чрез енергийни общности и центрове за комплексно обслужване. Конференцията ще завърши с дискусия и представяне на бъдещи инициативи за устойчиво развитие в енергийния сектор. ЧИЕЦ е сред съорганизаторите на събитието, като негови експерти ще вземат участие в панелната дискусия, свързана с инструментите за изпълнение на изискванията на обновената директива за енергийните характеристики на сградите (проект SRI-ENACT) и в сесията, посветена на енергийните общности (проект POWER-E-COM). Повече информация, програма и линк за регистрация - вижте на Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect, SEA SOFENA, Sofia Energy Centre, Energy Agency of Plovdiv, CSEG - Centre for Sustainable Economic Growth
Our Spanish project partner Francisco Puente from Escan consultoría energética had the honor of chairing a panel discussion on 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗘𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀 at the Energy Democracy Hub during Enlit Europe on October 23rd! 🌎 The session delved into the critical topic of financing #EnergyCommunities, a major hurdle for many. He shared valuable insights from the POWER-E-COM project, highlighting financing opportunities and lessons learned from several Work Packages of our project. 👛 📈 With a strong turnout of 30+ attendees, the session sparked lively discussions. 🗣 🤝 The final roundtable featured expert insights on financing models such as large funds, as a service and One Stop Shop models. #EnergyTransition #empowerment #EnergyDemocracy #RenewableEnergy #Spain LIFE Programme