Remote Medical Solutions, LLC

Remote Medical Solutions, LLC

Home Health Care Services

Remote Services To Help Medical Professionals Care For Their Patients.

About us

Remote Medical Solutions, LLC in partnership with Seniors Home Services provides remote medical services that help medical practioners and their patients. These services are designed to reduce Emergency Department visits and Hospital Readmissions and the costs associated with such services as well as improve the quality of life and long term recovery of patients. Our services take these Medicare demands off of the plate of medical providers and work with providers to provide additonal patient information to help their services. Our services have no upfront costs to healthcare providers, medical practices, clinics, senior care facilities or hospitals and are designed to utilize and get paid through the new billing codes established by Medicare for these services. On average our services provide an additional $400,000 or more per year in revenue per doctor or medical practioner. Considering the average medical practice has five doctors or medical practioners, this program can represent significant additional annual revenues for practices. For patients, which are mainly seniors our services don't require any out of pocket expenses as the variety of our services are approved by paid for by Medicare and private insurers. Our services include: Cognition, Mobility, Memory & More through the CERESKILLS & CEREMIND programs developed and provided by Zing Performance, that help improve Concentration & Focus, Fall Prevention, Cognition & Memory, Balance, Stress Relief & Reduced Anxiety. Our other remote care program services include: CARDIAC & PULMONARY REHABILITATION, CHRONIC CARE MANAGEMENT, REMOTE PHYSIOLOGICAL (or Patient) MONITORING, REMOTE THERAPEUTIC MONITORING, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH INTEGRATIONS, ANNUAL WELLNESS VISIT, TRANSITIONAL CARE MANAGEMENT, SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH, CAREGIVER TRAINING SERVICES, and COMMUNITY HEALTH INTEGRATION & PRINCIPAL ILLNESS NAVIGATION.

Home Health Care Services
Company size
1 employee


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