Let's collaborate to change the narratives together.
Experienced Agribusiness Leader | CEO & Managing Director at SMART AGRIBUS | Bridging Research and Innovation for Sustainable Farming
EMPOWERING OTHER STAKEHOLDERS THROUGH KNOWLEDGE SHARING At Smart AgriBus, we believe in the power of collaboration and capacity building to drive agricultural transformation. In partnership with Self Help Africa (SHA), we recently trained 40 facilitators on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Vertical Agriculture Systems (VAS)/Home Gardening. This initiative is designed to ensure that the knowledge and best practices shared at this training don’t stop here. By adopting the "Training of Trainer" (TOT) approach, these facilitators will cascade their learnings to more smallholder farmers, equipping them with practical strategies to improve productivity, enhance climate resilience, and maximize land use efficiency. CSA equips farmers with adaptive techniques to mitigate climate risks, while VAS introduces innovative ways to grow crops vertically, making the most of limited space and resources. Together, these approaches will help smallholder farmers enhance food security and economic sustainability. #SmartAgriBus #SelfHelpAfrica #ClimateSmartAgriculture #VerticalAgriculture #SmallholderFarmers #SustainableFarming #AgricultureInnovation #TrainingofTrainer #CapacityBuilding #FoodSecurity #ICRISAT #IITA #YOUTHSINAGRIBUSINESS