Check out our new episode: 100 Proof People, tonight on PBS, on WCNY in Syracuse and your local station in your market! We are super excited to pour out some killer recipes (and bourbon) with the awesome bourbon club we're apart of, 100 Proof People...
That's the episode name because you can't beat that for a title, and you can't beat the members of that crew, either. Truly high-test humans, both in character, sense of humor, and more, and they unload with both barrels on this one.
Our homies Kevin Visconti and Jared Kerschner helped us with recipe development, and our boy Paul Valenti hooked us up with the donuts for the crostinis, too.
The club founders, Lisa Dolbear and Krispin Dolbear hosted us in their beautiful home, and brought their A-game with the collection, their senses of humor, and all around coolness.
Michael Wheeler delivers all the coolness you'll need for a while (and he's joined by his partner in crime Terry Wheeler), we've got our big star supporter Stephanie Crockett up in the mix, and some greatness from Lori and John Usifer. Our homie Bobbi Rock Petrocci brought the style, and our man Matt Petrocci (whose design skills appeared in another episode), were just part of the mix.
Pour yourself a glass of bourbon and tune in tonight at 9pm and get your fix.