SUB - From Biking to Business

SUB - From Biking to Business

Community Development and Urban Planning

Sustainable Arctic and Peripheral Biking Tourism project (SUB). Co-funded by European Union InterregNpa program.

About us

Your Trail - Our Commitment SUB - Sustainable Arctic and Peripheral Biking Tourism project aims to support the sustainable growth of biking tourism industry in NPA areas. Our project's activities support the development of new business opportunities and extend service categories to create added value for customer segments. Are you an entrepreneur? We offer you industry specific capacity building, transnational networks, and industry best practices! Are you working with areal development? Let’s build together an operational environment, where sustainable biking tourism micro and SMEs will thrive! Our project is funded by the NPA - Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme by 1 475 373 €.

Community Development and Urban Planning
Company size
2-10 employees
Public Company


  • Register now for the SUB transnational cycling workshop: Designing appealing cycling experiences! Wednesday 29th Jan, 2025 Santa's Little Village, Kemijärvi   Finnish time 17:00 - 18:30 Swedish time 16.00-17.30 Ireland time 15.00-16.30 Icelandic time 15.00-16.30 Faroe Islands time 15.00-16.30   Please register latest on Monday January 20th. This workshop helps businesses and developers design guided cycling products to an audience that is not necessarily cycling enthusiasts as such, but who embrace cycling as means of transformation to experience local highlights. Why attend: - Meet with and get insights from our learning exchange guests, that have had possibility to get familiar with winter biking products in East Lapland. - Learn the principals of travel product development towards an audience who prefer guided experiences and/or independent adventures. - Get inspiration and work with your own product idea - Get feedback from fellow entrepreneurs and developers.   Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from other entrepreneurs across SUB regions! Register through the link: You can attend this workshop onsite in Kemijärvi Finland, or online through Teams. Workshop will be facilitated by Saku Sairanen / Exove Design and the local SUB team of Finland.

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    Aha-upplevelser inom cykelturism I november samlades flera entreprenörer på Åre Fjällsätra för att fördjupa sig inom cykelturism via det NPA-cykelprojekt som leds av Jämtland Härjedalen Turism:s Mia Wiktor Lunde. Ledda av Marcus Eldh och Katarina Rönnbacka Nybäck kom deltagarna fram till flera uppenbarelser om hur vi i Jämtland Härjedalen ser på och arbetar med cykelturism. Med nya perspektiv skulle en fin produkt kunna gå från bra till bäst. 

    Cykelworkshop gav stora aha-upplevelser - Jämtland Härjedalen Turism

    Cykelworkshop gav stora aha-upplevelser - Jämtland Härjedalen Turism

  • Today the Swedish partner in the SUB project, Jämtland Härjedalen Turism, finished the first of two workshop sessions. From lunch yesterday until lunch today entrepreneurs gathered to discuss and learn about entrepreneurship and networking. They were led and inspired by Marcus Eldh and Katarina Rönnbacka Nybäck. With a lunch to lunch conference we managed to gather entrepreneurs from different areas in the region and who started networking straight away. It was two really inspiring days and we left with many new ideas, inspiration and new biking energy. The second session will be led by Anna Eklöf where we will get a bit more practical. Hope to see you there!

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  • Last Week, Donegal County Council - SUB Project Partner No. 6 - launched their Regional Workshop Series! As evidenced by the notable engagement and very positive feedback received from those in attendance on the day, County Donegal, Ireland, demonstrates significant growth potential in the Biking Tourism Sector, with the development of cycling infrastructure being heavily supported both nationally and regionally. Donegal's Workshop Series continues next month, with their 2nd Workshop taking place on Tuesday 3rd December! Donegal County Council Donegal Tourism CLG Ciara Fannon Mary Fowley-Daly Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic

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  • SUB - From Biking to Business reposted this

    First SUB Project Workshop a Success! 🌍🚴 We’ve just wrapped up the first workshop in the Sustainable Arctic and Peripheral Biking Tourism (SUB) Project series, and what an inspiring start it was! A huge thank you to our speakers Rónán Gallagher, Anna Connor, and Brian Reid from Donegal National Roads Office (NRO), to everyone who attended, shared insights, and contributed to building stronger networks and clusters within the biking tourism sector in Donegal. We’re just getting started! Our second workshop will take place on December 3rd in Sweeney's Hotel Dungloe, with a focus on Entrepreneurial Skills. This session is designed for anyone looking to grow their tourism business within Donegal’s biking and outdoor sectors. To register for the December workshop, click the link below: Donegal County Council Interreg SUB - From Biking to Business

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  • Är du nyfiken på att attrahera cyklister som kunder? Vill du skapa fler möjligheter året runt och ta ditt företag till nästa nivå med fokus på cykling? Den här workshopen ger dig nya insikter och verktyg för att förstå vad som gör en plats eller tjänst attraktiv för cyklister – och hur du kan omvandla dina nya insikter till lönsamma affärer. Under den här workshopen får du praktiska tips, konkreta affärsidéer och insikt i vad cyklister verkligen efterfrågar. Genom verkliga exempel och interaktiva övningar får du chansen att vässa din verksamhet och identifiera nya möjligheter för att växa. Workshopen passar dig i Jämtland Härjedalen som: Är cykelguide, cykeluthyrare, ledbyggare eller eventarrangör. Driver restaurang, boende eller aktiviteter och vill bredda ditt utbud till cyklister.

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  • Last week the SUB project personnel took part the Baltic Sea Tourism Forum in Oulu, Finland. The theme of the forum was biking through culinary and culture. We heard interesting presentations around Baltic Sea area and got the great opportunity for networking with other projects. The city of Oulu is often called as a cyclist's city. The routes are well planned and the maintenance works year-round. We took a bike tour around the city and yes, this is the place where you can cycle everywhere. #madewithinterreg #bstf2024 #interregNPA #interregBSR #visitoulu

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  • Shout out for Faroese biking tourism developers! 📢 We are inviting you to join to SUB regional focus group meeting on Tuesday May 7th from 8.30 am to 10.30 am Faroe Islands local time. The objective of the meeting is to discuss and highlight our region's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in biking tourism development. Instructions for registration below 👇 #tourism #bikingtourism #faroeislands #development #tourismdevelopment #workshop

    View organization page for Visit Tórshavn, graphic


    Visit Tórshavn er við í einari ES-verkætlan innan súkkling, kallað SUB - From Biking to Business (Sustainable Arctic and Peripheral Biking Tourism), og vilja bjóða viðkomandi aktørum, stovnum og áhugaðum við til ein fokusbólk. Fyrsti fokusbólkur var tann 19. desembur 2023, og eru fleiri boðin við til komandi fokusbólk, m.a. út frá prátinum í desembur. Endamálið við fokusbólkinum hesuferð er at viðmerkja okkara uppskot um status á føroyskari súkkling, avbjóðingum og møguleikum, ið er grundað á m.a. síðstu bólkasamrøðu, okkara egnu kanningar, eins og tað, ið er blivið svarað gjøgnum eitt spurnaskema, ið varð sent út fyrr í ár 🤓 Um tú hevur áhuga í at luttaka til fokusbólkasamrøðuna, ið verður týsdagin tann 7. mai kl 8.30-10.30, ert tú vælkomin at skriva teg á listan her. Gev gætur: fá pláss eru tøk, tí er títt pláss ikki váttað, fyrr enn tú fært ein teldupost við váttan frá okkum ✅ Til ber at lesa meira um verkætlanina her: Vit gleða okkum at frætta frá tær 🚲 #bikingtourism #sustainability #regerenerativetourism #sustainabletourismdevelopment #businessdevelopment Annika Lisberg Tordis á Rógvi Biskopstø

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  • Shoutout for Finnish biking tourism developers! 📢 Hei sinä pyörämatkailun parissa työskentelevä tai aluekehittäjä Itä-Lapista! 📢 Kutsumme sinut kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan Itä-Lapin pyörämatkailun nykytilanteesta ja kehityksestä keskiviikkona 8.5.2024 klo 12-15 luontokeskus Naavaan (os. Luontotie 1, 98530 Pyhätunturi). Aloitamme hankkeen tarjoamalla lounaalla klo 11, joten jos aikataulusi sallii niin tervetuloa myös lounastamaan ennen tilaisuutta. Tilaisuus järjestetään myös etänä Microsoft Teamsissa. Tilaisuudessa käsittelemme yhdessä Itä-Lapin pyörämatkailun nykytila-analyysiä ja sen pohjalta rakennettua SWOT-analyysiä. Olemmeko tuloksista samaa mieltä, entäpä puuttuuko tuloksista jotain oleellista? Lisäksi työstämme SWOT-analyysin tuloksia eteenpäin. Miten hyödyntää tuloksia yrittäjien sekä alue- ja yrityskehittäjien osaamisen kehittämisessä ja alueellisen pyörämatkailustrategian laadinnassa? Osallistumalla vaikutat! 🤝 Ilmoittautumiset tapahtumaan sähköpostitse 3.5.2024 mennessä. Ilmoitathan osallistutko tilaisuuteen paikan päällä vai etänä, sekä pääsetkö osallistumaan lounaalle. #strategia #pyörämatkailu #aluekehittäminen #tilaisuus #työpaja #yrittäjyys #kehittäminen #matkailu #matkailunkehittäminen Ja julkaisun upeasta kuvasta kiitokset BlissAdventurelle ja kuvaaja Jani Karpalle.

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  • As it is #EUYouthWeek and Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic program is also about sharing the best practices within the NPA regions, we wanted to share how we kicked-off our journey of involving young minds in SUB activities. The first step was to brainstorm some ideas as a team, as we had basically zero ideas on how to involve the youth or more importantly, who we mean by youth. Using the Starbursting technique we delved into questions of who, what, why, when, how and where. We first generated questions and then answers related to youth involvement. The brainstorming session was just the beginning, but it yielded some good questions that will support us in developing more youth-inclusive SUB. One question that emerged few times was "Why are youth important for our project". Here's our conclusion based on the short but productive brainstorming session: Youth present the future minds of our regions. It is important to involve the youth as they are the ones that will be working with the results in the long run. By amplifying youth voices, we gain diverse perspectives, fresh ideas and broaden our perspective. Stay tuned as we continue our journey towards greater youth engagement and participation in our project! #Interreg #NPA2021_2027 #youthengagement #brainstorming #arctic #peripheral #starbursting

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