As an ERA-Net, SUSFOOD aims to set up a European strategic research agenda by increasing cooperation between the European partners and by defining common perspectives in sustainable food production, supply and consumption. SUSFOOD also aims to enhance collaboration between national and regional research programmes. Thanks to the identification of research priorities, gaps, opportunities, and future research needs, SUSFOOD will have positive impacts on European research. By means of two open calls (in 2013 and 2014), sustainability oriented food chain programmes will be supported.
SUSFOOD includes the entire food supply chain with main focus on food chain sustainability beyond the farm gate. It will cover processing, packaging, transport, retailing, food services, storage and consumer activities.
SUSFOOD promotes a multi-disciplinary approach from biology to food engineering and social sciences and tends towards the following socio-economic goals:
• Develop sustainable food systems from production to consumption increase food production sustainability while reducing waste in food supply chain and limiting environmental damages
• Improve quality of life by improving food quality in a sustainable way and the resilience of the food supply chain
• Encourage consumers to act in a more sustainable way
• Improve competitiveness and economic growth in the European food industry with special attention to SMEs