At Sustineri Partners, 2024 has been a year of achievements and growth. We forged strategic partnerships, launched important initiatives, and continued to build the ESG Adria Summit into a major regional business event, helping businesses, investors, and organisations incorporate sustainability standards into their decisions, practices, and partnerships. Whether addressing environmental, social, and governance issues, tackling challenges, promoting gender equality, or ensuring good governance, our mission remains to create a lasting impact. Thank you for your trust and collaboration this year. Together, we’ve taken significant steps to build a more resilient and sustainable future in the region and beyond! Here’s to a greener, fairer, more sustainable 2025 where innovation thrives, and everyone enjoys equal rights! 🥂
Sustineri Partners
Business Consulting and Services
We empower companies and organisations to put sustainability at the heart of their work.
About us
We empower companies and organisations to put sustainability at the heart of their work. Our primary focus is on the countries of the Western Balkans.
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External link for Sustineri Partners
- Industry
- Business Consulting and Services
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2021
- Specialties
- ESG and Sustainability
Employees at Sustineri Partners
Aleksandra Njagulj
Managing Director, Global Head of Sustainability, Advisory Board Member
Marija Jovanović
Research Fellow in Business and Human Rights, Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford || Co-Investigator, Modern…
Ivan Blagojevic
Lead Product Owner | Business Analyst | Communication & Copywriting Consultant
Nevena Dicic Kostic
Policy & Research Lead @ Sustineri Partners | LLM, Sustainability
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🗣️ For the first time, at the ESG Adria Summit 2025, we will host the Sustainable Adria Awards and celebrate the region’s most outstanding contributions to sustainability. We are thrilled to unveil the distinguished panel of experts who will evaluate and celebrate the most impactful sustainability achievements in the Adria region: Robert Spano – Chair of the Panel of Judges, Partner, Gibson Dunn, and Former President of the European Court of Human Rights Prince Nikola Petrović Njegoš – Crown Prince of Montenegro and Chairman of the Fondation Petrović Njegoš Annette Kroeber-Riel – Vice President, Government Affairs and Public Policy for Europe, Google Uranik Begu – Director for CEE, Plug and Play Tech Center Richard Burrett – Fellow, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), Founder and Director, Cambridge Social Impact Consulting Lada Busevac – Head of Office, Brussels, IFC - International Finance Corporation Aleksandra Njagulj – Founding Partner, Sustineri Partners and Sustainable Investment Expert These renowned leaders will assess submissions across four prestigious award categories: 1️⃣ Sustainable Adria Leader of the Year 2️⃣ Sustainable Adria Initiative of the Year 3️⃣ Sustainable Adria Innovation of the Year 4️⃣ Sustainable Adria Business of the Year 🎯 Are you leading the way in sustainability, or know someone who is? Submissions are open until 31 January 2025! Showcase your achievements and be celebrated at the ESG Adria Summit from 9–11 April 2025 in Porto Montenegro. Apply today and join us in celebrating excellence in sustainability: #SustainableAdriaAwards #SAA #ESGAdria #ESG #Sustainability #Adria #SocialResponsibility #Leadership #Innovation #CommunityImpact
Unlock the power of sustainability in your business! The Certificate in Corporate Sustainability Management is designed for professionals who want to deepen their understanding of sustainability and ESG principles and their practical application in today’s dynamic business environment. Whether you're looking to lead sustainability initiatives, build a culture of responsibility, or integrate ESG practices into your organization, this program offers the tools and expertise to support your career growth. Explore critical areas like sustainability strategy, compliance, reporting, and leadership. The course provides a solid foundation for anyone eager to navigate the complexities of corporate sustainability and drive meaningful change. 🔎 Want to know more and enroll? Stay informed about our program details and how this course can help you make an impact. Visit our website for more: The AIRE Centre Western Balkans FEFA Faculty European University of Tirana Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka #ESG #Sustainability #SustainabilityManagement #ESGReporting #Leadership
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Check out a glimpse of the atmosphere at our magical evening event in Skopje as we step into the New Year! We were honoured to host a festive celebration with the inspiring Dr Anino Emuwa. This memorable event brought together our valued members, ambassadors, and partners to reflect on the incredible milestones achieved by Women on Boards Adria over the course of the year. Here's to even more initiatives driving the agenda of diversity, inclusion, and women leadership forward in our region! 🥂 #woba #womenonboardsadria Biljana Braithwaite Nevena Dicic Kostic Tanja Mihajlovska Dimitrievska Fance Kostenceva Pandilovska Dr Anino Emuwa
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Air traffic is vital for connectivity but it's also one of the biggest contributors to carbon footprint increase. The introduction of the Single European Sky (SES) initiative, launched in 2004, aimed to address challenges related to traffic growth, unforeseen disruptions, and an increasingly strained air traffic management (ATM) system, had another important goal at its core - help airlines decrease costs, and decrease higher carbon footprint due to inefficient flight routes. Central to this effort is the SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) Project, which aims to provide a more flexible, scalable, and environmentally friendly framework for air navigation services. The SESAR project is pushing for development of innovative solutions and putting higher focus on creating a more flexible and scalable air navigation system. These changes are essential for optimizing flight operations, reducing emissions, and ensuring a sustainable future for European aviation. Check out more:
Tower, ready for a journey towards more sustainability. ✈️ The new Single European Sky laws are now in force, paving the way for more efficient, eco-friendly and safer air travels. It will modernise air traffic management across Europe helping: 🚦 Reduce delays ⏰ Improve service quality 💡 Foster innovation in air navigation We will also help make flying more sustainable by setting environmental targets and encouraging sustainable practices. We are ready to unfold the full potential with upcoming implementation measures. Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy this new European journey. Discover more 👉!J3G3nG #EuropeanUnion
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Together with our valued partners - IFC - International Finance Corporation Udruženje banaka Srbije, Sustineri Partners and Privredna komora Srbije | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia - we successfully organized the conference "Integration of ESG Standards for a More Resilient and Inclusive Financial Sector in Serbia." The event aimed to raise awareness about the critical importance of integrating ESG standards into decision-making processes. For companies in Serbia and across the Western Balkans, this transition is essential. The journey toward achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030 is undeniably complex, but it’s a shared path we must navigate together. Embracing ESG principles isn’t just about meeting regulatory requirements - it’s about staying competitive in an evolving market. By adopting these standards, companies can unlock new opportunities, such as greater access to international trade, reduced unemployment rates, and deeper integration into the global and EU economies. At the conference, we emphasized the strategic value of ESG integration, with a special focus on gender equality. This is not only a moral imperative but also a proven business strategy that delivers a competitive edge. Companies that embed these values are better prepared to tackle future challenges and seize new opportunities. We are proud of our extensive network of corporate and institutional partners, and we’re inspired by the exceptional leaders championing gender equality across the region. Their dedication is driving meaningful progress toward more inclusive leadership and representation at all levels. We are deeply grateful to all our partners, supporters, participants, companies, gender equality champions, media, and outstanding leaders who are shaping the future of the region. Together, we are advancing our shared mission to foster inclusion, sustainability, and resilience in the financial sector. Let’s continue to build a brighter, more inclusive future—together! #WOBA #WomenonBoardsAdria #WomenonBoards Biljana Braithwaite | Brankica Janković | Nicolas Marquier | Marina Papadakis | Katarina Ocokoljic | Dr Anino Emuwa | Nevena Dicic Kostic | Sladjana Sredojevic, PhD | Ivana Petrovic | Krstinja Scepanovic | Vladimir Hrle | Desko Nikitovic | Irena Brajovic | Neven Marinovic | dr Kosovka Ognjenovic Institute of Economic Sciences | Branislava Simanic | Tanja Mihajlovska Dimitrievska
The wait is almost over! Only 2 days until we launch our Certificate in Corporate Sustainability Management course enrollment. Don't miss your chance to sign up, grow your expertise on Sustainability and ESG, and gain the right tools to transform your career! Plus, be sure to take advantage of our early bird offer—limited spots available! More information and enrollment details here: The AIRE Centre Western Balkans FEFA Faculty European University of Tirana Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka #Sustainability #ESG #Leadership #OrganisationGrowth #Innovation #CSR #SustainabilityLeadership
Na završnici konferencije "Integracija ESG standarda za otporniji i inkluzivniji finansijski sektor u Srbiji", Brankica Janković, poverenica za zaštitu ravnopravnosti, i Biljana Braithwaite, izvršna direktorka Sustineri Partners i predsednica udruženja Women on Boards Adria, naglasile su da ESG transformiše poslovne modele i način na koji kompanije mere uspeh. Integracija ESG principa, sa posebnim fokusom na rodnu ravnopravnost, nije samo moralna obaveza, već i ključna poslovna strategija koja donosi konkurentsku prednost. Prema njihovim rečima, kompanije koje se opredele za inkluzivnost i ravnopravnost biće otpornije i spremnije za suočavanje sa budućim izazovima i tržišnim prilikama. Posebno je istaknut značaj pripreme za usklađivanje sa EU direktivom koja zahteva da do 2026. godine kompanije obezbede najmanje 40% žena na neizvršnim direktorskim pozicijama ili 33% na svim direktorskim pozicijama, što predstavlja ključni korak ka većem uključivanju žena u liderske uloge. Janković i Braithwaite ukazale su na to da je neophodno hitno rešavati problem rodne neravnopravnosti, koji ima duboke strukturalne i kulturološke korene. Janković je podsetila na podatak Svetskog ekonomskog foruma, koji predviđa da će biti potrebno više od 130 godina da se zatvori jaz u ravnopravnosti ako se ne preduzmu brže i odlučnije mere. Rodna ravnopravnost mora biti shvaćena kao deo šire inkluzivne strategije, koja obuhvata sve grupe izložene većem riziku od diskriminacije. Samo kroz posvećeno i strateško delovanje može se stvoriti pravednije društvo i omogućiti jednake šanse za profesionalni razvoj i dostojanstven život svim građanima. Konferenciju “Integracija ESG standarda za otporniji i inkluzivniji finansijski sektor u Srbiji”, koja se održala u Beogradu, organizovali su: IFC - International Finance Corporation, Udruženje banaka Srbije, Privredna komora Srbije | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia i Women on Boards Adria.
Rodna ravnopravnost u značajnoj meri utiče na smanjenje ukupnih ekonomskih nejednakosti, a uključivanje principa ESG u poslovne strategije postepeno postaje neophodnost za sve kompanije i važan faktor izgradnje održivog poslovnog uspeha. Na panelu "Rodna ravnopravnost i inkluzija kao pokretač privrednog razvoja", koji je moderirala moderirala je Nevena Dicic Kostic, programska direktorka u Women on Boards Adria lideri i eksperti iz finansijskog sektora, privrede, javnog i civilnog sektora, diskutovali su o ulozi rodne ravnopravnosti i inkluzivnosti kao ključnih komponenti ESG standarda. Brankica Janković, poverenica za zaštitu ravnopravnosti, istakla je da je različitost snaga i zato je važno da kontinuirano podstičemo podržavajuće i zdravo radno okruženje, bez diskriminacije i uz poštovanje ljudskih prava i principa ravnopravnosti. Ove vrednosti su ne samo društveni imperativ, već i pokretač otpornijeg i inkluzivnijeg finansijskog sektora u Srbiji. Desko Nikitovic, predsednik nadzornog odbora Valjaonice bakra u Sevojnu, podelio je primere kako kompanije mogu konkretno doprineti inkluziji kroz osiguravanje jednakih prava i prilika za zaposlene. Predstavnice banaka, Ivana Petrovic, direktorka upravljanja i razvoja prodaje u Addiko Bank Srbija, i Krstinja Scepanovic, direktorka za ljudske resurse u OTP banka Srbija, naglasile su da finansijske institucije imaju moć da promovišu ravnopravnost ne samo kroz interne politike već i kroz tržišne proizvode i usluge. Ivana Damnjanovic-Trifunovic, direktorka Direktorata za ljudske resurse i organizaciju u Privredna komora Srbije | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia istakla je važnost prilagođavanja strategija za usklađivanje sa savremenim tržišnim zahtevima. 🎤 Panel "Rodna ravnopravnost i inkluzija kao pokretač privrednog razvoja" moderirala je Nevena Dicic Kostic, programska direktorka u Women on Boards Adria. Konferenciju “Integracija ESG standarda za otporniji i inkluzivniji finansijski sektor u Srbiji”, koja se održala u Beogradu, organizovali su: IFC - International Finance Corporation, Udruženje banaka Srbije, Sustineri Partners, Privredna komora Srbije | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia i Women on Boards Adria.
Finansijski sektor ima ključnu ulogu u sprovođenju i promociji ESG standarda, omogućavajući privatne investicije koje podržavaju zelenu tranziciju i postizanje klimatske neutralnosti do 2050. godine. Ipak, pored važnosti održivih finansija, pitanje rodne ravnopravnosti je jedan od velikih prioriteta u implementaciji ESG standarda u društvu. Uprkos napretku poslednjih decenija, rodno zasnovana diskriminacija i platni jaz i dalje su prisutni – čak i u finansijskom sektoru i sektoru osiguranja. Da su održivi razvoj i društvena ravnopravnost nerazdvojivi i da finansijski sektor ima moć, ali i odgovornost da vodi ESG tranziciju, govorili su: ✅ Vladimir Hrle, advokat, vođa IFC - International Finance Corporation ESG savetodavnog projekta u Srbiji w/ IFC Europe ✅ Irena Brajovic, direktorka Confindustria Serbia ✅ Neven Marinovic, direktor Smart Kolektiva ✅ Dr Kosovka Ognjenovic, viši naučni saradnik, Institute of Economic Sciences 🎤 Panel je moderirala Dr Sladjana Sredojevic, PhD, rukovodilac Centra za bankarsku obuku u Udruženje banaka Srbije. Konferenciju “Integracija ESG standarda za otporniji i inkluzivniji finansijski sektor u Srbiji”, koja se održala u Beogradu, organizovali su: IFC - International Finance Corporation, Udruženje banaka Srbije, Sustineri Partners, Privredna komora Srbije | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia i Women on Boards Adria.