From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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Creating the form of peace exercise

Creating the form of peace exercise

- [Instructor] In this moment I invite you to close your eyes, turn your attention inward. Open yourself to the full experience in this moment. Become aware of your breath, aware of your inhale and your exhale. Feel the sensation of the breath moving through the body. Begin to direct the breath, breathing in and out through your nose. Breathing with an exhale almost twice as long as your inhale. A slow, gentle, exhale through the nose. Deepen the breath so that you're fully inhaling through your abdomen, and with ease, letting go, flowing back down. Breathe a few rounds of this breath, feeling the breath warm the body as you breathe. And now set the intention to use your breath to create an experience of peace within you. Breathe that breath into your head. Breathe it behind the eyes. Inhale behind your eyes and as you exhale, let go. Soften your gaze. Breathe again behind the eyes, letting go. Create a soft gaze…
