From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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Experience with clarity your new creation

Experience with clarity your new creation

- [Instructor] In this moment, I invite you to close your eyes. Move your attention within the body. Begin to focus on the breath and direct that breath, breathing in and out through your nose. Feel the sensation in the body as you breathe. See your breath as a warm golden light to give the mind something to focus on. Breathe with an exhale that's almost twice as long as your inhale, letting go and relaxing deeper into the body with each breath. And now send that breath behind the eyes, soften the gaze. Letting go of any tension in your eyes, your head, your jaws. Breathe down and into your shoulders. As you breathe into the shoulders, let the shoulders drop down like they could just melt around your heart. Breathe down the arms and into the hands. Use the breath to soften your hands. Let any tension in your fingers go. On the next exhale, allow any tension in the body to just roll out your fingertips. Bring your…
