From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
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How do you inspire?
From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
How do you inspire?
- It is well within our power to cultivate a greater and greater sense of inspiration within ourselves and that is where inspiration has to begin. We have to know how to be self-generative how to be able to generate, create that sense of inspiration within ourselves. To inspire we have to be integrative of all of the pieces within us. To allow them all to be and fully express. The mind, the emotions, the body, the spirit. We bring them all online. We open to the wholeness of the experience that is there in the moment, and the power that that is. That is that power of life. Then we take that which is there in us in all of the aspects of our being, and we direct that. We use that. We express that to support and to inspire others as well. When you are truly inspired there is an unstoppable experience. If you've ever met anyone like that anyone who will not be deterred, anyone who has that sense of inspiration, who…
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