From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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Introduction to audio exercise

Introduction to audio exercise

- You intend how to fill it with both the emotions and with the mind. With the emotions, you create that emotional state in the body. You relax hands, you drop shoulders, you open chest, you let go with your toes. When you create a space of peace in the body, now the mind comes on with clarity, agility, and focus. Now you use the power of your mind, the power of your intention, to create with the whole of your IIQ. Now, that power that is there in mind, emotion, body, and spirit, moves as one. Use this ABC practice consistently. Engage it over and over again as a way of being a way of knowing true choice in this world. And if you do, you will optimize your power as a leader. A leader inside of a world that is in need of powerful, clear, intentional leadership. During times when the world is changing, accept that challenge. Practice these tools and optimize your ability from the inside out, to be a powerful leader for…
