From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
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Introduction to voices of the emotions
From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
Introduction to voices of the emotions
- For this chapter, I've created a PDF for you for voices of the emotions. As we began to explore ourselves empathetically, put ourselves in connection with what's there, and where it lives in the body, sometimes we can have great difficulty in finding that. Even though sometimes we might not know exactly where that form is, exactly what's driving us, if we listen to the thoughts that are going on in our head, we can pretty much reengineer it. When we're angry, we have angry thoughts. Anger, for example, sounds like righteousness. No one was ever really angry and thought, "I am so wrong." When we're angry, we have thoughts of how right we are. Just like when we're at peace, we have thoughts about how beautiful and lovely the world is. So it helps often times to get more in touch with our emotions by learning to listen to the thoughts in our head, and they'll tell us, "Ah, what emotion is actually driving this ship."…
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Empathy versus sympathy1m 31s
Empathy: A powerful tool for successful outcomes2m 31s
Empathy: A powerful tool for connections1m 57s
The practice of strengthening empathy3m 37s
Softening the body, emotions, and mind6m 44s
Introduction to voices of the emotions1m 35s