From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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- Through exercises that we've been up to, we have increased your internal capacity for agility, for focus. Now, we use the mind in a way that we open it up, we allow ourselves to see the universe of what is there and now we focus on what we intend. With the right power behind the mind, now we get very specific about what we intend to create in the world. One of the things that is so key is that we bring this sense of specificity into this moment, that we really see our creation and we see it in a way inside of our mind where it comes alive. We can experience it. We can feel what it's like when it's come into being. We see with great detail what it looks like, how people are impacted. We experience the meaning of it. Using the mind with great specificity to bring our vision, our goal, alive in this moment and experience it now, and we use the mind in that way, and we practice using the mind in that way. We know…
