From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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Releasing rigidity

Releasing rigidity

- In order to generate and create that inspiration, again we turn inward into the body. We find those places of rigidity, of density, of discomfort, of heaviness. We go there, and as we did in one of our other exercises, we welcome that. We allow that to begin to flow through our body, dropping the stress, but now, we add something else. That something else that we add is now we take that breath, that breath that activates our vagus nerve and we breathe it into those places in the body. Now, this is really important. The mindset here is not, gee, I feel this heaviness in my chest and I really want to get rid of it. That's not it. The mindset here is that we're merging with it, that we're bringing life back into that spot in the body, that we're relaxing it, that we're allowing it to wake up again. That which is dormant, becomes alive again and begins to move and flow, and we move and flow with it. What we're doing here is…
