From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
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Softening the body, emotions, and mind
From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
Softening the body, emotions, and mind
- [Instructor] I invite you to get comfortable in your chair. Place your feet on the floor, your hands in your lap. And sit up straight. I invite you to close your eyes and focus your attention inward. Begin at the top of your head, finding those places of density, heaviness, tension, rigidity, pain. One by one, going into those places, and just softening to them. Practicing, dropping your resistance. And with a soft approach, just having the full experience of whatever is there. In each moment then, dropping further and further and further within. No resistance. Begin in your head. Go behind the eyes. Dropping all resistance, soften there. Soften the gaze. Beware of your breath. And each time you exhale, move deeper within. What is as it is. Go to your jaws. Move into that experience. Drop resistance and just experience what is there. With each inhale, breathe in. With each exhale, soften.…
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Empathy versus sympathy1m 31s
Empathy: A powerful tool for successful outcomes2m 31s
Empathy: A powerful tool for connections1m 57s
The practice of strengthening empathy3m 37s
Softening the body, emotions, and mind6m 44s
Introduction to voices of the emotions1m 35s