From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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The building blocks of emotional choice

The building blocks of emotional choice

- Now we're going to talk about the building blocks of emotional choice. And as some of those tools that you've been learning. To have emotional choice, to be able to choose your experience well, first, you have to experience whatever's there. As we've discussed, as we've practiced in order to do that, we must open up our bodies to be not only aware of what's there, but to have the sensational experience of what's there in our bodies. Once we do that, the stress comes down. We began to breathe and to relax the body. And then, we can breathe into that part of the body, creating flow that is there. This is how we begin to create that choice. Now, you can pick a state, say it's peace, say it's joy, perhaps it's compassion, and in the next lesson we'll talk about how to form that within you. (gentle music)
