From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
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The power of courage
From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
The power of courage
- When we think about how to know courage and exercise our power in the moment, from a bodied perspective, we can think about how to unite our heart and our solar plexus. If you think about martial arts for example in the East, they recognize that that sense of power is there in our abdomen and when we tune into that and when we begin to align ourselves in the center of our body, we begin immediately to feel that sense of power. Remember our first exercise when we tapped in all the way in and down to our feet as though we could connect to the center of the earth and felt that sense of being a pillar? This is much like that. When you're in a fear based state, when you're in a place of doubt or confusion, you feel scattered as though your energy, your presence is all over. When you are in a place of power, it's as though you take all of that and you harness it. You bring it together inside of a clear centered…
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