From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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The practice of strengthening empathy

The practice of strengthening empathy

- When I think about empathy, I often think about a conversation that I once had with someone I was working with. Another person had complained about that certain someone and had said that they didn't have empathy. They responded to me by saying, "They're right, I'm not empathetic, but it's not like I can just wish that into existence." The person who said that was right. Even if we know that empathy is important, even if we're focused on being more empathetic, that doesn't get us there. We actually need something to cultivate that within ourselves. That cultivation looks like a practice that we can do routinely, and it's a bit different than what you might think, because empathy is the ability to connect with ourselves and connect with others. In order to be empathetic, we have to know how to drop our resistance, to whatever is there inside of us, and just experience what is as it is. And so the key is being able to…
