From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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Visualizing for your optimal I-IQ with intention

Visualizing for your optimal I-IQ with intention

- In our next exercise, what we are going to be doing is we're going to visualize ourselves with that optimal I-IQ. We're going to envision ourselves as leaders. We're going to see what that looks like with this increased capacity for leadership, and we're going to do it with great specificity. So often when we think about visualization, we think about it in terms of the external. But here because this is all about optimizing our powerful capacity as leaders, we're going to use that visualization with regards to ourselves. And when we do it with that specificity, with that clearly, we're going to have the experience of knowing ourselves as that in this moment. This is a powerful exercise because we're practicing how we're going to be. And leadership at the end of the day has much more to do with being, our being, harnessing our being than it does with the doing. The doing is pretty easy. We follow the steps in a…
