From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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Welcoming emotions to allow clarity and flow: Part 1

Welcoming emotions to allow clarity and flow: Part 1

- In this moment, I invite you to close your eyes and move your awareness into your body, into this moment. Begin in your head aware of the thoughts that are there and gently move down into the body, into the sensations that are present within you. Set the intention to feel fully whatever experience is here for you in this moment, knowing that your emotions, your sensations are of no threat to you. With curiosity, begin to explore the body and find the place of greatest tension. When you do, welcome this experience. Is the sensation one of heaviness? Is it rigid, dense, tense? Move within that experience, open yourself to the full experience of what's there. Is there a speed to it? Is it fast or slow? Is there a temperature? Is it hot or cold? Welcome all of the sensations that are present. In this moment, dropping any resistance. Open and relax. Relax down into the experience. Release…
