From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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Your unlimited capacity to expand your clarity, agility, and awareness

Your unlimited capacity to expand your clarity, agility, and awareness

From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

Your unlimited capacity to expand your clarity, agility, and awareness

- One of the aspects of our being that we can change that make us much more powerful leaders is being able to change our awareness and our acceptance of what's right there in front of us. What this requires is that we learn to really come fully into the present moment, that we not only focus with our minds, but we focus with the entirety of our being. That we get in our bodies, feel the strength of the whole of our capacity, and use that to focus on whatever task we're engaging in as leaders. As a result, we increase our capacity to see what's right there in front of us. This is so critical. We all know that most of the time, when we lose an opportunity, when we make a mistake, it's not because we saw a challenge that was there and failed to address it, it's because we missed it. So increasing our level of awareness and being able to accept whatever is there just as it is so that we can then chart the appropriate…
