People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD), migrant, and refugee backgrounds may face unique challenges and types of abuse, such as being stopped from learning English or being cut off from friends and family who speak their language or belong to their culture. 1800RESPECT has resources for people of CALD background, including posters and social media tiles. You can view and download them here: You can also contact 1800RESPECT for information, counselling and support. Call 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732 or visit for online chat. (Image text: Download our resources aimed at supporting people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD), migrant, and refugee backgrounds experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence.) #1800RESPECT #counselling #support #relationships #domesticviolence #familyviolence #sexualviolence #violence #abuse
1800RESPECT Australia’s Post
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People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD), migrant, and refugee backgrounds may face unique challenges and types of abuse, such as being stopped from learning English or being cut off from friends and family who speak their language or belong to their culture. 1800RESPECT has new resources for people of CALD background, including posters and social media tiles. You can view and download them here: You can also contact 1800RESPECT for information, counselling and support. Call 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732 or visit for online chat and video call services. (Image text: Download our new resources aimed at supporting people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD), migrant, and refugee backgrounds experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence.) #1800RESPECT #counselling #support #relationships #domesticviolence #familyviolence #sexualviolence #violence #abuse
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Women from migrant, refugee and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds may face unique types of violence and abuse, such as being stopped from learning English or being cut off from friends and family who speak their language. If you think you are in an abusive relationship or are unsure, you can find more information about domestic, family and sexual violence in 30 languages on our website here: You can also contact 1800RESPECT and request to use the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) to connect with our counsellors in a language other than English. More information can be found here: #1800RESPECT #counselling #support #relationships #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #accessibility #languages #WomensHealthWeek
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#ADATürkiye partner Human Resource Development Foundation/ İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı has been implementing various projects in the field of migration since 1989, including services of legal, psychological, and social services. Supported by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, HRDF provides services in eight provinces. Under its Women’s Solidarity Program (KADAP), HRDF recently launched pilot workshops on reproductive and sexual health to empower refugee women and develop trainers’ skills. #LeaveNoOneBehind #PeerSupport #CapacityBuilding #HumanRights #HDPNexus #localisation #refugees #civilsociety #resilience #socialcohesion #socialimpact EU in Emergencies Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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#Statelessness is a serious condition that impacts approximately 10 million people #worldwide. Stateless individuals are often not recognized as citizens by any country, leaving them in a legal limbo. This lack of legal recognition means they are often denied the #right to #education, #healthcare, work, freedom of #movement, or participate in the #political process. Stateless individuals are particularly #vulnerable to #humanrights #abuses. To learn more about statelessness, read U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)'s new snapshot written by Rachel R..
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Do you work with migrant and refugee communities in sexual violence primary prevention or early intervention? Here are 4 tips for how to more inclusively engage migrant and refugee communities in your work. As part of the Making the Links Project, this video summarises our Guide to Working with Migrant and Refugee Communities in Primary Prevention which makes practical recommendations for engaging migrant and refugee communities based on 29 interviews and our 40+ years of experience. To learn more about how you can use this resource in your work access our ‘How to Use this Video Resource’ guide here: #MigrantHealth #SexualViolence #Intersectionality #EndViolence
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Check out these fabulous tips from the Multicultural Centre for Women's Health!
Do you work with migrant and refugee communities in sexual violence primary prevention or early intervention? Here are 4 tips for how to more inclusively engage migrant and refugee communities in your work. As part of the Making the Links Project, this video summarises our Guide to Working with Migrant and Refugee Communities in Primary Prevention which makes practical recommendations for engaging migrant and refugee communities based on 29 interviews and our 40+ years of experience. To learn more about how you can use this resource in your work access our ‘How to Use this Video Resource’ guide here: #MigrantHealth #SexualViolence #Intersectionality #EndViolence
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So… I did a talk last week with the African Refugee Immigrant Organization (ARIO) PDX and it was amazing. I enjoyed sharing about STD prevention with this community. Honestly, we don’t talk about this topic enough, especially within minority communities. If you know a group or two who could benefit from learning more about STD transmission and prevention be sure to reach out to me! #HealthIsWealth#KnowledgeIsPower#PreventativeMedicine#CommunityMedicine#FamilyMedicine#HealthTalks#CommunityWorkshops
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Have you ever wondered what role you and your organisation can play in supporting refugees? Because my guess is, it's much bigger than you realise... - Two weeks ago, we saw violence spread across the UK as far-right extremists began targeting refugee and migrant communities. These people’s actions, wrongly framed as “patriotism”, are fuelled by years of media misinformation and a deep rooted anti-immigration rhetoric from government and leadership. But these divisions are human constructs. They stem from a lack of understanding and from a failure to see that, at our core, we are all people deserving of safety, dignity, and opportunity. Through Niya, I have the privilege of supporting refugees and migrants daily and among them, are some of the most inspiring people I’ve ever known. Despite enduring immense hardships, these people continue to show great kindness and resilience, eager to contribute to the society that has welcomed them. - So, if you've felt outraged or disheartened by the news lately, what can you actually do to help these communities feel safe, welcome and integrated? I've written a piece in The Conduit's Radical Realist to share my thoughts on the topic, zooming in on the "unseen journey of a refugee in the UK". I hope by sharing more stories like Vitalina’s, we can unite against hate, slowly shift the narrative and tackle these misconceptions for good. Full article linked below. #RefugeesWelcome #Inclusion #StandAgainstRacism #Equality #Leadership
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Very proud of this resource developed with my Multicultural Centre for Women's Health colleagues. The video shares the top 4 tips for how to more inclusively engage migrant and refugee communities in primary prevention. It comes from the Making the Links Best Practice Guide and we also have the video use guide to support your practice. The resources can be found here: From my network, if anyone used the resources for your practices, please share with me your experiences! I’d love to see the implementation! #MigrantHealth #SexualViolence #Intersectionality #EndViolence
Do you work with migrant and refugee communities in sexual violence primary prevention or early intervention? Here are 4 tips for how to more inclusively engage migrant and refugee communities in your work. As part of the Making the Links Project, this video summarises our Guide to Working with Migrant and Refugee Communities in Primary Prevention which makes practical recommendations for engaging migrant and refugee communities based on 29 interviews and our 40+ years of experience. To learn more about how you can use this resource in your work access our ‘How to Use this Video Resource’ guide here: #MigrantHealth #SexualViolence #Intersectionality #EndViolence
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In times of war and crisis, migrant communities and self-organisations are not only key responders but also experts in understanding what new arrivals need upon reaching safety. 😮💨 As professionals with lived experience, they possess deep insights into the challenges faced by their compatriots—be it in housing 🏠 legal aid 🏛️language support🗣️, or employment 👩🏽🏫 Their ability to bridge cultural and logistical gaps makes them invaluable to both their homelands and receiving societies. Empowering these communities means leveraging their expertise to ensure smoother integration, stronger support networks, and more resilient, inclusive societies. #MigrantCommunities #DiasporaLeadership #CrisisResponse #ProfessionalInsight #Inclusion #Integration
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