Some 11,000 local and overseas runners took on the #CentreRunway of #HKIA on 17 November for a once-in-lifetime experience of running in a fully operational airport, alongside arriving and departing aircraft — were you one of them? The “Three-Runway System 10km International Race”, co-sponsored by Airport Authority Hong Kong and Standard Chartered Hong Kong, and organised by Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates, celebrates the commissioning of the #ThreeRunwaySystem later this month. This marks the second time a similar event has taken place on the airport’s runway, after the “Standard Chartered ’98 New Airport Marathon” that set its finishing point on HKIA’s runway 26 years ago to commemorate the opening of the then-new airport. Check out the highlights and standout moments from the extraordinary event! #hongkongairport #hkg #hkairport #airports #aviation #3RSRunwayRace #HKIA3RS
Three-Runway System 10km International Race
Love this! What an incredible experience beyond our usual expectations!
Captain A330/350 LTC/C at HK-Airlines
1w10 km was tough with very little preparation but I finished…