Yes! I recently took it for a spin and the latest additions are great. One thing to think about from a gamification perspective is the symbolic meaning of your mechanics i.e. tokens, ponts, etc. For example, you can get great results if Tokens are a representation of expertise in the company. i.e. 1k tokens Mentor Level Dexter Overall, this is a fantastic approach away from school-based corporate training. #gamification #instructionaldesign #elearning #edtech #lesrninganddevelpment #salesenablement
Co-founder & CEO of Dextego I The Future of Go-To-Market is Human-First I Sharing my Gen Z Founder Insights to Accelerate Your Journey
Yesterday I shared a post about variable rewards and gamification and today, I wanted to share a screenshot of how we implemented this at Dextego. After a Dexter completes a challenge or practices their pitch they might get a slot machine pop-up where they might win tokens. Today I won 9! I have given myself a sales role to practice my own active listening and pitching skills because you should practice what you preach! The best part? You will see a bunch of confetti take over your screen. 🎉 #product #ui #gamification #tokens
Co-founder & CEO of Dextego I The Future of Go-To-Market is Human-First I Sharing my Gen Z Founder Insights to Accelerate Your Journey
4moI love this idea of 1k tokens Mentor Level Dexter! Watch as we add daily streaks and badge Sean Vazquez, Stavros Tsompanidis