How was your 2024? Mine was like 🤟⚡💚🙌🎉💡🤤☺️👍 ⚡⚡⚡ Three different roles within E.ON Drive Infrastructure ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ Flown six times Copenhagen - Düsseldorf ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ 🚙 Driven 39.674 km in EVs for business related matters all over Europe ☺️ 🚄 Travelled 60+ times with trains for business related matters across Europe 🚄 😎 😎 😎 Enjoyed three months of sabbatical in June, July and August travelling by #Interrail across #Europe ⛴️ Been back to one of my favorite destinations outside of the Danish border; The Faroe Islands 🇫🇴 But most important of 2024; I made a transformation of myself 🤯 Not physically but mentally 🤟🤫 Going from being Managing Director, to Head of Business Development to #CXO has been the most fun, challenging and "upside - loop - down again" experience I have ever done 💚 Love to challenge myself, redo the standard of the normal, but also activating and controlling the popcorn brain in a new way 🤯😉🫣 I know, I know the above is 😇 😇 😇 Sooooo, let us start by not just showing our successes here at #LinkedIn, but let's be frank and also share our lessons learned from the not so AMAZING side of life... 🤔 Letting go and firing people is #NEVER a cool part of the job, but when you are afterwards thinking of "this didn't go well, we didn't get the message across properly, and we didn't explain to the key stakeholders, why the decision was taken", this often takes me quite some time to process and rethink over and over again, how we could have done it better 🫨 🥹 Accepting the fact of the business world is not static, but dynamic - saying auf wiedersehen to one of my greatest Managers of all times, without a proper explanation or understanding of why.. 🚙 The fact that EV sites are not performing as expected throughout #Europe and the even harder work now starts to figure out, what we can do different or better to show, how great it is to go electric... 🥺 and the toughest thing I have done so far in my professional life; to let go of my amazing team in E.ON Drive Infrastructure #Denmark with whom we cleaned, structured, and rebuilt Denmark largest CPO to regain it's position, and accept that I took the decision to step down as Managing Director.. Which I did, as I could not fulfill my own expectations and ambitions within the political and almost monopolistic market of charging in #Denmark, not focusing on the #GreenTransistion, but focusing on market dominance by setting growth and revenue first, covered in fancy consulting wording.. It was simply eating me up, especially all the people who don't see the emperor is not wearing any clothes.. 💚 so just for you to know, I'm thriving in my new role, love being back in an international/European role working amongst different, hence dominated by the #German, cultures and see what it means to a company having the right people, as we are ONLY 140 FTEs busting our #rears off to ensure - Charging for everyone, everywhere 💚 See you all in 2025 - Happy New Year 🎉
Impressive journey, and love that you are so open about the ups and Downs
Happy New Year, Anders. Thank you for many great dialogues and looking forward to follow you on your "new" CXO role within E.ON. See you in January 🍀
Cloud Advocate 🌥 | eMobility Evangelist ⚡️🔋🚗
2moAnders, when observed from the outside, what you have managed to achieve is remarkable! The market is unfortunately a race to the bottom, and everyone (in Denmark) seems keen on the vendor lock-in that’s happening here. Here’s to 2025, and the amazing things the year will bring for European EV owners! 🥂🍾 See you on the other side!