Are you a "provider" or "deployer" of AI - the difference can make all the... err... difference. This article focuses on how you can unintentionally find yourself subject to stricter requirements under the EU AI Act. For me, there's an underlying policy and governance question - who should we be regulating, and how? Australia's AI opportunities, at least in the short term, lie in driving adoption of AI (according to the Productivity Commission, at least). So how can we make it simpler for providers and deployers of AI to not only comply with new requirements coming in the future, but to understand whether their AI applications comply with existing laws. Or as this article shows, to even understand which obligations apply. Most importantly, how do we make sure these measures measurably impact safety (and not compliance-for-its-own-sake)? Particularly when the ability to understand, let alone influence, many AI applications is concentrated in a small number of large suppliers? These are all topics Australia is grappling with as it pulls together guidance for safe and responsible AI, and mandatory guiderails for high risk AI. (Australia also released its national framework for the assurance of AI in government last week - making it clear that responsibility for AI safety needs to be assessed on a use case (not a tool basis), with responsibility sitting solidly shoulders of government agencies.)
Are you a provider or deployer under the EU AI Act? This might seem like a simple question at first, but the distinctions can easily become blurred and businesses risk unintentionally finding themselves subject to stricter requirements than expected. LexisNexis invited the Ashurst Digital Economy Transactions team (me, David Futter, Nicolas Quoy, Aimi Gold and Siân Deighan) to prepare an article considering the issues. We explain what the definitions are, why the distinction matters, how they can become blurred and some practical safeguards businesses can put in place to avoid falling into the scope of the more onerous provisions.
Content Manager and Editor at Ashurst
8moThanks for sharing Andrew.