"Alien Teen: Modeling and Animation for the Pilot Episode" A 3D modeling and animation project of an alien teenager for the pilot episode of an animated series. Created in Blender, the project showcases a unique character combining elements of alien physiology with the traits of a teenage personality. Detailed modeling and smooth animation illustrate how the character interacts with the world and expresses emotions. This project serves as the foundation for further development of the animated series, offering a glimpse into alien culture and the features of its characters.
Andrii Beleckiy’s Post
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"The Magic of Amber: 3D Modeling and Animation of Inclusions in Amber" A 3D modeling and animation project that showcases various inclusions in amber. The video features unique natural elements such as plants, insects, and other objects trapped in amber, all modeled in intricate detail. The animation allows viewers to see how these inclusions form during the creation of amber and how they are preserved for millions of years. The modeling and visualization are focused on realism, creating an engaging and educational video ideal for scientific and educational projects. 4o mini
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Unpacking animation for a weapon concept. It's very interesting to be able to incorporate modeling and animation as part of the concept process. Solutions for technical and aesthetic problems can be found earlier and communication overhead potentially reduced during production. #conceptart #hardsurface #gamedev #3dmodeling
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New 3D Character Animation: Run Cycle In this piece, I focused on capturing the fluidity and dynamics of a natural run, 🔹 Software Used: Maya
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🌧️ Rainy Vibes in Blender A rainy animation created entirely in Blender! This project allowed me to experiment with textures, and particle systems to capture the mood and beauty of a rainy day. Creating this animation was a fantastic learning experience and a step forward in my 3D modeling and animation journey. 🎨✨ Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback! #Blender3D #3DAnimation #RainyDay #CreativeJourney #MotionGraphics
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I modeled, rigged, and added a basic animation to bring this character to life. I also experimented with Maya's AIToon tool to create a 2D effect that adds a stylized look to the animation. The blend of 3D and 2D was such a fun challenge and really pushed my skills in character design and rendering. Check out the results below! Always great to explore new techniques and tools. #3DAnimation #CharacterDesign #AIToon #Maya #ToonShading #DigitalArt #CGI
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This animation was rendered in 12 FPS based on the “Stylized Characters class” by Jonathan Lindgren . I learned so much from this class and in this video I highlighted one of the most important animation principles I learned for characters: Following arcs (0:14 seconds) ✅ 0:08 ⏰ - I highlighted my keyframes from C4D. In the class, Jonathan starts out with Blocking out the poses (Pose to Pose) in "Step" animation mode (Cmd+D → Animation Type → Step), then add "in-between" poses and then he splines them together. This process saves a ton of correction time for later. Tons of subtleties make great organic movements and it comes from repetition and very intentional practice. Again, I highly recommend this class by Jon. Link here: https://lnkd.in/dfs-3pKx #C4D #redshift #character #animation
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One of my 3D models—a house I designed for my 3D animation project during my university studies. Using Maya, I aimed to give the house a playful and vibrant look to match the cartoon style. #3D #3Dmodel #Modeling #AutodeskMaya
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Just finished 2D Animation: Walk Cycles Basics! Check it out: https://lnkd.in/gyKawNSp #characteranimation
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# Billiard Clock Animation Project ## Modeled and Animated in: Blender ## Textured in: Substance Painter ## Rendered in: Marmoset Toolbag This project focuses on studying the dynamics of a billiard clock. Using Blender, I created a animation that captures the movement and interactions of the clock. #3DModeling #Animation #Blender3D #SubstancePainter #MarmosetToolbag #3DRendering #CGI #3DArt #VisualEffects #3DAnimation #DigitalArt #Simulation #ComputerGraphics #3DDesign #VFX #TechArt
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Learning Project Alert! I'm thrilled to share my latest project—a dynamic animation of an energy drink can, created using Blender! 🥤 As part of my ongoing learning journey in 3D modeling and animation, this project allowed me to experiment with realistic textures and vibrant visuals. Check out the animation and let me know what you think! Feedback and tips are always welcome as I continue to improve. 😊 #3DAnimation #Blender3D #GraphicDesign #EnergyDrink #CreativeDesign #Animation #LearningJourney
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