Arima & Co ’s Post

We understand that creating inclusive content can be a big jump into the deep end. The objective of our workshop is to empower your team to understand how they can implement inclusive thinking into everyday actions. This 2-hour workshop is designed to incorporate inclusivity in your marketing strategy. This will be specifically tailored to the requirements of your company and target audience! Possible topics include: Key principles to creating inclusive content Example campaigns: the good and the not so good How to develop intersectional personas How to incorporate inclusive language into story development Understanding terms, such as Womxn, BAME and POC How to create accessible content Finding and engaging with influencers/ thought leaders with diverse audiences. Plus tools and resources to support the implementation. You can find out more here:

  • A graphic with text that says ‘Inclusive Marketing:  In Action Workshop’. Then a list of possible topics that can be found in the caption.

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