Asteasier’s Post

The presence at last week's FoodSeed Demo Day sparked even more interest in #Asteasier and its goals. We are very proud that Corriere della Sera, the main Italian newspaper, dedicated an article to the seven winners of the FoodSeed Demo Day with a focus on Asteasier and its solution. The article can be read here: Other Italian newspapers have also done the same in recent days: here is a small press review! ✅ Il Sole 24 ore: ✅ La Repubblica: ✅ La Stampa:

L’alternativa naturale della caffeina, i conservanti fatti con la liquirizia e le altre invenzioni italiane dell'agrifood e del foodtech

L’alternativa naturale della caffeina, i conservanti fatti con la liquirizia e le altre invenzioni italiane dell'agrifood e del foodtech

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