How to Start and Sustain a Rehabilitation Program?
How do we restore a human being who has left the mainstream and deviated to the extreme? Successful rehabilitation of radicalised and terrorist offenders requires a multi-agency cooperation. From several specialised fields, including specific professions, relevant institutions should work together.
Furthermore, from the offender’s social environment (colleagues, friends, family, etc.) can play a vital role. They can be broadly categorized into 3 groups:
Professions include the services of P/CVE Specialists, Social Workers, Psychological Services & Religious Counselling form an advisory body.
Institutions include the services and specialities of the Judicial System, Prison Services, Probation Services, Municipalities, Law enforcement agencies, Intelligence agencies and Civil Society Organisations.
The social environment includes the Community, Community Leaders, Colleagues, Friends and Family.
It’s imperative that we understand the importance of the cooperation required between these different groups.
Appropriate information-sharing and collaboration are needed to establish an uninterrupted, multifaceted rehabilitation process that starts with an arrest and ideally ends in full and stable integration into society.
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