Make your voice heard - Complete the Portland City Council survey!
Please take just 3 minutes, right now, to give your opinion on the REUSE and revitalization of the existing Keller Auditorium!
The City of Portland's new survey will be used to convey the opinion of whoever responds so please contribute to this effort with your input! We jumped in and answered the short 10 question survey. We were taken aback at the wording of several questions that appear skewed to give results that would favor building new and abandoning the existing Keller. Turning lemons to lemonade, just sharing how Restore Oregon answered those:
Question 6 - NO, because it asks only about the City's investment in a "new" facility vs investment in the existing facility
Question 7 - We don't want or need a new use that is unfunded! The first thought was to just not answer the question because it will be a distraction and is meant to confuse. But, in fact, this question is an opportunity to reinforce the obvious: "There is only one use - the City must keep the existing use as Oregon's premier performing arts facility. We do not support any ideas for new or different uses."
Question 9 - we chose not to answer the first "yes, no, unsure" because of the way the question is written. We wrote in the "Briefly explain" box: "This is a positive solution to balance much needed renovation work of the existing Keller while keeping a performance schedule for 7 months of each year. It's a win-win to achieve downtown's revitalization and reinvestment in the arts and culture at the existing Keller."
Question 10 -- we elaborated on the 4 points from the Halprin Landscape Conservancy, starting with "Reusing and reimaging Our Next Keller is the best overall option."
Finally, anyone can take this survey, not just people who live in the City. Thanks for your help!
#restoreoregon #architecture #advocacy #KellerAuditorium #Reuse #KellerFountain #ournextkeller #halprinlandscapeconservancy
#TedWheeler #commissionerdanryan #commissionercarmenrubio #commissionermingusmapps #PortlandCityCommissionerReneGonzalez #downtownportland