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News Flash! Ready for another electrifying online rendezvous? Hold onto your hats because our third session is about to blow your mind! Get ready to dive into the fascinating stories of Jai Hopf, who's living with autism spectrum disorder and is an art-based therapy practitioner. Catch a sneak peek of his film ( on our website:! Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 27th, at 4 PM IST, because we're in for an afternoon packed with meaningful discussions and heaps of fun! Whether you're a seasoned advocate or just dipping your toes into the water, this meetup guarantees an experience like no other. From heartwarming personal anecdotes to eye-opening expert insights, we're covering it all. Shoot us a message on social media or hop on over to our WhatsApp group ( to find out more. Keep your eyes peeled for updates because together, we're on a mission to build a world where everyone feels valued and included, one meet at a time! #AutismAwareness #EventAlert #InclusionMatters #DisabilityAdvocacy #JoinUs #OnlineMeetup #DiversityAndInclusion #CommunityEngagement #SocialImpact #DisabilityAwareness #JoinTheConversation #CreatingAwareness #NgoTrinayani
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Mother killed her son😞 A woman threw her six-year-old special needs son into a canal infested with crocodiles in Karnataka after a fight with her husband. The child's half-eaten body was found a day later... The father of the Child used to torture her mother that she has given a birth to deaf and mute child so she should throw the child in the river and he used to constantly fight with the mother of the child😱😱 Due to constant fight and impatient behaviour the mother got irritated and she threw his kid in the river.... This is not the only case, if you search on google you will find pages full of such news.. It is seen that parents are loosing their patience over small things, pressure of career building, societal pressure, peer pressure, pressure of giving 100% to the family and many more things are getting heavier on the person and they start loosing their calm, patience and peace and they start taking wrong decisions and act improperly 😞😞 Parenting is not just giving birth to your child, it is an art to raise your kids with love, care and patience ☺️ Parenting requires lots of patience. It helps parents deal with problems calmly and rationally. It can also help parents find peace of mind and serenity. To learn mindful parenting tips join my whatsapp community using the link given below in the comment box. What's your view on this topic?? #sonaljain #parenting #speaker #coach #kidswisdom #kidswisdomcoach #author #mindfulparenting #parentingtips #ParentingJourney
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Hello Amazing Mothers! I would like to invite you to join me for a FREE Parenting Masterclass on “ 3 Secrets to unlock inner peace” Click on the link on my Bio and Register for the Masterclass and join the Whatsapp group for Updates & Reminders! #parenting #mom #parentingmasterclass #parentingcoach #instagram
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I have a female friend who was walking in a mall and happened to stumble across what looked like a woman who was pregnant. Upon asking as to how many months she was carrying for, the lady laughed out loud and said "I am not pregnant" and coined the acronym - EPND a.k.a Ever pregnant never delivered! In its own dark way, it is a funny and a sad thing to share that there is a good percentage of our population that currently suffer or are on the verge of various liver issues. The reasons behind these issues are many, but when push comes to shove, a fatty liver is one of the deadliest lifestyle challenges one can face. With the good amount of research being done and the solutions available, it is a repairable and a reversable condition , provided one is willing to make a change! Question is, are we willing to be a part of that change? Or choose to live in the realm of ignorance? If you are interested to work on your Health & Fitness, join Whatsapp group here for more tips #weightloss #potbelly #fattyliver #transformation
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐡 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬🌼 Your third trimester is a time to deepen your bond with your baby. Simple yet powerful practices like 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐡 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚, 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐯𝐚𝐝, and 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐞𝐭 can foster positivity, communication, and joy. ✨ Curious about how to begin? 👉 Download the Aadee app for a complete guide and personalized support. #GarbhSanskar #PregnancyWellness #HolisticParenting
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Unlock the Secret Language of Your Baby! Did you know babies can communicate before they can talk? Understanding baby sign language can strengthen your bond and ease frustrations. Dive into our latest blog to learn how you can start this beautiful journey with your little one. #ParentingTips #BabySignLanguage #NaughtyBaby #ParentingJourney #BabyMilestones
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My Monopoly Ends Here! I am a working mother of a 5-year-old boy. Ever since he was born, me and my husband made up my mind not to introduce him to mobile phones or let him develop a habit of using them. Somehow, I managed to achieve that. When I was pregnant with him, I started learning Hindi and English rhymes, and stories. As a result, when I first sent him to daycare, I received many compliments. Luv knew many rhymes in Hindi and English, and he was just 3 years old at the time! Since then, I've been able to maintain this approach. Even when he refuses to eat, I don’t give him a phone or turn on the TV. Instead, I start telling him stories, which engage him and excite him, and eventually, he finishes his meal. My husband and I also made a rule to stop using phones after 9 PM at home. We even set an alarm for playtime on our phones, and whenever it rings, Luv has developed the habit of asking us to play with him. However, it's getting harder to maintain these habits as he grows older. Now that he plays with kids his age, they talk about phone games. Today, for the first time, he asked me, "Amma, can I play a game on the phone? You know that?" This made me realize that my monopoly over this might soon come to an end. #Motherhood #reduceChildScreenTime #realization
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NO YELLING AT YOUR KIDS. 3 EXAMPLES. There are many day-to-day situations parents yell at their children. One of the thumb rules in parenting is that kids won't give attention to long lectures. When you are addressing specific repeated mistakes, try using a technique explained in the video. The message should be clear, short, and eye-to-eye. Just describe the problem to the kid. Happy parenting. Join my 'Yogic parenting' WhatsApp group for free tips: #narensubramani #YogicParenting #ParentingChallenges #WorkLifeBalance #EmotionalIntelligence #MindfulParenting #ParentingTips #WorkFromHome #PositiveParenting #StressManagement
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Happy new week everyone! As we start a new week, let's remember to educate our young girls who are 8 years and above about menstruation. It's important for them to understand this natural phase in their lives- the signs, how to use pads, when to change them, how long it lasts, and how to stay hygienic. Let's have open and honest conversations with them, using the right language: avoid coded language like " if a man touches you / removes your pants, you'll get clear and concise. Let's empower our girls with the knowledge they need to navigate this important time in their lives. #menstruationeducation #empowergirls #openconversations#ngwanwisolange
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Have a child heading schoolies? Here’s some tips for parents and carers to discuss safety & consent with their young person 💜
The talk every parent needs to have with their child before Schoolies 2024 🗣️ Act for Kids is encouraging parents to have a crucial talk with their children before they head to Schoolies celebrations, following reports of OnlyFans creators targeting school leavers to film explicit content. Here are our top tips for parents: 🗣️ Talk regularly with your child about safe sex, consent and respectful relationships, rather than having ‘the chat’. 😳 Don’t make it awkward – it’s important to remember if you don’t talk to them, they may get their information online or from an unsafe or unreliable source. 📱 Remind your child they can always ask you questions and talk to you, or offer them the contact number for a safe resource. 👥 Obtain the names and numbers of your child’s accommodation provider, closest friends and their parents before they head to Schoolies. Read more in our article below 👇
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