Does luck really exist? There are two ways luck influences our lives: the ovarian lottery and luck surface area.
The ovarian lottery refers to the random circumstances of birth—where we’re born, our family, and our genetics. These factors, over which we have absolutely no control, set our starting position in life and significantly shape our future opportunities. The fact that you're even reading this post is a result of your extremely favorable ovarian lottery.
The real story unfolds with what we do next, and that’s where luck surface area comes in. Unlike the ovarian lottery, this is the luck we create. By being proactive, saying yes to new experiences, putting ourselves out there, and simply doing more, we expand our luck surface area.
So, the next time you think you just got lucky—you might have created that luck by expanding your surface area.
As Harvey Specter puts it, "I don't get lucky; I make my own luck."
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