BNP Paribas’ Post

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💧 Planet boundaries cannot be ignored when it comes to do business. Fresh water accessibility and quality in each part of the world is, of course, a major issue, and definitely not just for business. However, the private sector and industries are at the forefront of the #water scarcity problem as some of them need huge quantities to operate. #Finance is thus looking at solutions more and more closely to cope with it. Read our #sustainability experts’ insights about it in Sustainable Finance at Scale! In this issue, we also deal with: - The European Union acceleration on green #hydrogen as part of the solution to decarbonize mobility. - The rise of Sukuks (or Islamic bonds) in the Middle East, notably to support the sustainable transition in the region. - The consequences of COP16 Colombia discussions, which confirm the key role of private actors in preserving #biodiversity. You are now more 500K subscribers to this newsletter, thank you very much for your interest and for being so many to follow it each month! Enjoy your reading!

Water scarcity: all hands on deck!

Water scarcity: all hands on deck!

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Naser Alaamri

CSR Projects Planner/Glory Makers Founder/Businesses Developer


BNP does not deny itself! Always self-referential: lots of smoke and no roasts! If you spent on investments what you spend on advertising: you would undoubtedly have greater credibility: which today you have hopelessly lost!

Usama Zafar

Working Student @ BNP Paribas | MSc. ISoSySc | Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg | xTelenor Microfinance Bank | Ant Group | FAST'21



Ajit Kumar

Executive Director



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