Deeds not Words - Case Study on "go to market" strategy and tactical commercial playbook for MedTech robotics innovation
VP Sales & Marketing | Chief Commercial Officer | P&L Owner | Entrepreneurial Commercial Leader | Passionate about MedTech
Deeds not Words - Commercialization strategy & execution plan for novel soft robotics MedTech innovation. One year post launch, I (with help of Amanda Ernst) refined Brandywine MedTech Consultancy's value proposition based on customer insights - You are an innovative MedTech company with a novel technology preparing for commercialization. We deliver a comprehensive and data-driven commercialization strategy with corresponding tactical playbook. This case study highlights our value proposition in action - how we helped empower a company with an innovative soft robotics technology by delivering a commercialization strategy and “go to market” playbook. If this could help you, feel free to reach out to me today. We have some amazing clients and have added new resources to support more. #medtech #innovation #commercialization #sales #marketing #robotics