Let me tell you why I am happy today.
I am feeling seems backed to home.
In the textile industry , especially on machine spare parts and accessories project in #Finishing #elastomer topics which I have been involved since 1996 , I am happy to set out together with #Polteks, on the way of rubber and #SanforizingRubberBelt.
I’m very excited to combine my technical and commercial knowledge with Polteks which I have gained in nearly 20 countries for nearly 15 years
This story started by meeting with the founder of Polteks, Mr. Ali Karen, through my respected friends.
Entered more than 700 plants and personally touched nearly 1000 #SanforizingMachines all over the World.
I met with technical or commercial executives of many of them, but I noticed in Ali Karen an investigative and firm-stepping entrepreneurial spirit that I had seen in very few people. Likewise, his team brought Polteks to this point with the same approach!
However, I have seen dozens of local producers in many countries! Due to cartel system created by Global companies, these local manufacturers could not be successful !
Most likely Polteks would not be successful either? Is it so? Really ?
No !
During our months-long technical training, the fact that the Polteks Engineer Team completed my sentence before I even finished it. This increased my excitement more & more . The technical team, and the innovative and investigative approach of the Karens showed me this reality ; “Polteks surely does it”.
We have no less than the Global Organizations which I was a part of, till now.
As I continue on this path, I feel like hearing that people saying "this project won't work". Let'see !
Beleive that if Turkish Industrialists are self-confident, and believe in their projects without making short-term plans, we have nothing less than anyone else, we have more!
We are now approaching the end of our tests on field. It is newborn baby but we are not in crawling stage. We are currently in the walking stage but will start running soon. And this rubber blanket will serve in finishing halls in many countries with firm steps.
Unlike classical terms, we will have new developments in the #SanforBelt.
A little beyond the ordinary! Just stand-by !
#POLTEKS #SANFORBELT #RUBBER #SMARTHARDNESS #ShA #denim #nondenim #machinery #machine #shrink #shrinkage #shrinkagebelt #zerozeromachine #Bursa #Turkey #Turkiye