“Effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution” was the agenda item during “The Global Youth Network Model United Nations” conference, in where, I had the honor of representing my country while being being apart of the environment assembly. The Cherifian Kingdom, has unfortunately faced overwhelming challenges environmentally speaking. Between water scarcity and severe drought, we have witnessed our most lucrative industry suffer because of it. The agriculture sector alone represents 15% of the GPD (Gross Domestic Product) and heavily depends on environmental stability as Morocco is known for its exportations of fruits such as avocado, watermelon and tomatoes, that do require a significant amount of water and as the economist Najib Akesbi mentions “one hectare of these crops requires ten times as much water as a city”. That being said, Morocco has shown great efforts to tackle the challenges that it faces, whether it be through its campaigns on responsible water use or it’s major investments towards National Drinking Water Supply And Irrigation Programme aimed at addressing severe water scarcity.
Congrats Camelya!
Future lauréate en marketing digital et e-business
2moCongratulations camelya ! More success !