Camera Arbitrale di Milano’s Post

🎤 Setting the Stage for the 15th CAM Annual Conference! The day begins with the opening remarks from Stefano Azzali, General Director of the Milan Chamber of Arbitration, followed by an insightful introduction to the day’s themes by Paolo Marzolini, Founding Partner of Patocchi & Marzolini. #CAMAnnualConference #CriminalLaw #InternationalArbitration

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Victor Attah Esq

Arbitration, Litigation, Outer Space Law, and Immigration


It was a very interesting, informative, and thought-provoking conference. I am delighted to have been a part of it and the only Nigerian Attendee. I appreciate this wonderful opportunity for Camera Arbitrale di Milano, International Arbitration Juniors, and Ljubica Kaurin-Dragićević. I look forward to the 16th Cam Annual Conference. #CamAnnualConference #InternationalArbitration #CriminalLaw

Thank you to CAM and Paolo Marzolini for organising such an outstanding conference!

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