#FUNDRAISING can have a bad rap, but it's simply about connecting people who are interested 💡 with causes that interest them. Let's say it another way to help it sink in 🤔 ... Fundraisers provide #OPPORTUNITIES to make an impact for people who WANT to invest in creating that impact (or provide opportunities for public recognition for people who appreciate being publicly recognized, etc.). And HOW to do this comes down to these three activities: ✅ EDUCATE ✅ ASK ✅ THANK Very few people will invest in potential impact unless you EDUCATE them about: 1️⃣ The Problem and 2️⃣ How You Are Helping Solve the Problem Even fewer people will donate or invest 💰 unless you ASK. And finally, most people will not give again if you don't THANK them quickly and with real appreciation (Hot Tip: It is MUCH less expensive to keep current supporters than to go find new ones, so THANK PEOPLE).