I help extraordinary leaders transform corporate culture | 500+ leaders coached | Keynote Speaker |
For business inquiries, christy@thecultureworks.com
How do I deal with the toxic manager? Ever asked anybody in that question, you know, you're in a bad situation, you've got a toxic manager. What do you do? First and foremost, you don't have to quit. Toxic managers are going to move on or you're gonna move on. Now, if it gets really bad, if it starts impacting your personal life, it's impacting relationships at home and in your community, then you've got to take some serious steps. Now, never quit a job until you have another job. And it may not be outside your company. You know, in big organizations, there's lots of movement, and you can look at other jobs in other departments, look for opportunities. To grow and develop and say, you know, I just really feel it's time for me to grow in this other direction. Look for managers that aren't toxic. The worst thing you can do is have that knee jerk reaction. Say that toxic boss, I'll show them I'm gonna quit. Don't let your emotions get the better of you. Wait them out. Take your time. If it starts to get really bad, then explore your options within the company, outside the company. But understand that toxic bosses, they don't tend to last very long because they're not very good bosses. Put coach in the comment line and see if we can set up a little coaching session and see if we can help you.
🏅 Want to Lead in HR & Safety? Follow for HR, QSE & Leadership Strategies | Sr HR Manager & QSE Specialist @ leading port operator in Africa | MBA Paris Dauphine & IAE Sorbonne | ISO 9001, 45001, 14001, 31000, ISPS Code
I help extraordinary leaders transform corporate culture | 500+ leaders coached | Keynote Speaker |
For business inquiries, christy@thecultureworks.com
I help extraordinary leaders transform corporate culture | 500+ leaders coached | Keynote Speaker |
For business inquiries, christy@thecultureworks.com
I help extraordinary leaders transform corporate culture | 500+ leaders coached | Keynote Speaker |
For business inquiries, christy@thecultureworks.com
I help extraordinary leaders transform corporate culture | 500+ leaders coached | Keynote Speaker |
For business inquiries, christy@thecultureworks.com
Coaching is recognised as a valuable intervention in the field of leadership, for personal and professional growth. Coaching also moves a person forward fostering new levels of reflection, awareness, communication, accountability and engagement.
It helps individuals identify and build on their strengths and internal resources helping you perform and achieve the version of yourself you have been dreaming of.
If you have not tried yet, it is not too late to think about it!
I help extraordinary leaders transform corporate culture | 500+ leaders coached | Keynote Speaker |
For business inquiries, christy@thecultureworks.com
I help extraordinary leaders transform corporate culture | 500+ leaders coached | Keynote Speaker |
For business inquiries, christy@thecultureworks.com
What should you ask in your first 1:1's with a new team?
Here are 5 questions I recommend.
With my 1:1 executive coaching, I’ll help you create a place that everyone wants 💯
Comment COACH for our FREE guide to building an ALL IN ONE organizational culture 👇
[Leadership & Executive Coach, Management tips, Leadership tips]
cc: vincentsanderson
These leadership questions align with living the great values most companies have. Being a values-based leader means this is how the leaders behave by definition. Is this at 100% of your critical attitudes/behaviors for your leaders?
I help extraordinary leaders transform corporate culture | 500+ leaders coached | Keynote Speaker |
For business inquiries, christy@thecultureworks.com
What should you ask in your first 1:1's with a new team?
Here are 5 questions I recommend.
With my 1:1 executive coaching, I’ll help you create a place that everyone wants 💯
Comment COACH for our FREE guide to building an ALL IN ONE organizational culture 👇
[Leadership & Executive Coach, Management tips, Leadership tips]
cc: vincentsanderson
I help extraordinary leaders transform corporate culture | 500+ leaders coached | Keynote Speaker |
For business inquiries, christy@thecultureworks.com
I help extraordinary leaders transform corporate culture | 500+ leaders coached | Keynote Speaker |
For business inquiries, christy@thecultureworks.com
Speaker, Author, Professor, Thought Partner on Human Capability (talent, leadership, organization, HR)
5moChester Elton What great advice! Too bad there continue to be toxic managers who do more harm than good. Your ideas are specific and helpful. Thanks.