Biodiversity offsets, biodiversity credits, and biodiversity certificates all amount to the same thing. Frederic Hache of the Green Finance Observatory points out that, "In reality we all know that credits and certificates are the same, and that they will be used for offsetting." More than 270 organisations and academics have signed on to a civil society statement opposing biodiversity offsets and credits.
There is room for credits, certs, offsets, insets etc. in tackling the world's sustainability problems. General condemnation with intent for perfection will not help. Watch this space.
For extreme laggards in this area, we don't need optimal solutions. Any solution is a step forward.
Director at MobiCycle. Scope 3 Emissions, Biodiversity Loss & Pollution. Electronic and Electrical Equipment.
2moI don’t believe that the solution to poorly implemented or abusive schemes is to ban them outright. There is nothing inherently wrong with biodiversity credits. Instead, the solution should be to limit the extent to which such schemes can be relied upon and advocate for the adoption of higher standards.