Afternoon slumps Or comfort eating or starting every day feeling sluggish or procrastination at a certain time of day or low mood. Or the other side of the coin, when we have most focus, energy high points, strength, ability train, when we are our most relaxed. They are all a product on an internal butterfly effect. Our interactions, stressors, food choices, frustrations, activity, postures, facial expressions, exercise, breathing, muscle tensions. They all combine to create a recipes that is how we feel and perform a various but generally specific times of the day. The afternoon energy slump could be a product of when, how and what you ate for lunch but how you slept played a part, what you did before you slept played a part, and the things that you find frustrating that occur on a daily basis also played a part. Change it difficult because we tend to fight the problem rather than the cause. The problem is never the problem. The most powerful way to change a behaviour or feeling or physiological daily response to fix 1 stressor. Just locate and remove 1 daily stressor. A daily stressor is part of the recipe of your life. Change one ingredient and you have a very different and more enjoyable dish. The stressor is not the stressor either. The stressor is the story you are telling yourself about it. ♥️♥️
I am going to consider who h one to remove. Great advice
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7moGirl meets world cover the same thing last night, every action has a consequence.