⚠️ How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by the Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 8: Treatment and no treatment should be studied in similar groups
Cochrane Complementary Medicine’s Post
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⚠️ How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 8: Groups to study a particular treatment should be homogeneous
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⚠️ How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 7: Not all studied outcomes are equally important
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⚠️ How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 4: Small studies can be misleading
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⚠️ How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 1: One study is not enough to know about treatment effects
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⚠️ How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 7: Not all studied outcomes are equally important
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⚠️ How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 6: Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence
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⚠️ How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 6: Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence
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⚠️How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by the Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 7: Not all studied outcomes are equally important
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⚠️ How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 2: Correlation does not imply causation
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Evidence-based practice is so important. Question everything.
⚠️ How do we know if a certain treatment really works? Much health information available online is unreliable, and it’s important for everyone to develop critical thinking skills to help evaluate claims and make evidence informed decisions. We’re sharing some resources developed by Iberoamerican Cochrane Center highlighting key concepts of critical thinking in health. 👉 Key concept 5: Expert opinions are not always reliable
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