Focus isn’t just a value here—it’s a way of working. 🧠✨ We’re proud to have dedicated focus times each week, ensuring our team has uninterrupted space to dive deep and drive innovation. We’d love to learn about how other teams go about translating their values into ways of working. As always, a huge shoutout to our creatives for their fantastic work on this very Dabble-y piece of internal content! 🎥👏 Henry Nutt, Aiden Hill, Annie Graham #Dabble #YouBetterBelieveIt
🔮 Focus is one of Dabble's core values, shaping how we work and grow together. We're an always on digital app that services several regions globally. I often lurk about our internal channels because I’m interested in what’s happening around the grounds - with access to so much information it’s challenging for me to move out of the noise and back into deep thinking. Focus time helps me do exactly this. We've been operating two dedicated focus times each week for a long time. We avoid scheduling regular meetings during focus time, ensuring our people have the space they need to truly concentrate. Our creatives put together a fun video to share how we’re living this value at Dabble. I’d love to hear how other companies are implementing focus time and the benefits you’ve seen. Hope you enjoy! PS I'm sending this from focus time right now 🚀🚀🚀
Transforming Businesses through Digital-First Leadership | CEO | Innovation | Passion for culture | Authentic Leadership | Never Settle
3moThis is pure genius 👏