🔵 I had the pleasure of hosting Eric Fulwiler on our podcast and for our first episode in English last week! I first met Eric two years ago when he hosted me as a guest speaker on We Are Rival ‘s now infamous podcast on how to build challenger brands. 😎 Eric has interviewed legendary CMOs leading iconic brands such as Pepsi, Mint Mobile, and Gary Vaynerchuk! 🎙️In this episode we tackle the importance of connection and relationships in the pursuit of holistic wellbeing! Hope you all enjoy! #wellbeing #nexu #corporatewellbeing #podcast
Esta semana te traemos el primer episodio en inglés de nuestro podcast "Miradas del Bienestar" 🎙️ Diego de Arístegui, director de marketing en Nexu y coanfitrión del podcast, conversa con Eric Fulwiler, co-fundador y CEO de We Are Rival. Juntos, exploran la importancia del bienestar personal y profesional y el impacto de las redes sociales en nuestra salud mental. Descubre cómo crear entornos saludables, romper tabúes sobre la salud mental y rodearte de la mejor compañía puede ayudarte a alcanzar tu mejor versión. ¡No te lo pierdas! Link al episodio completo en los comentarios 👇 -- We're excited to present the first episode in English of our podcast "Miradas del Bienestar"! Diego de Arístegui, our marketing director at Nexu and podcast co-host, talks with Eric Fulwiler, co-founder and CEO of We Are Rival. Together they explore the importance of personal and professional wellbeing and the impact of social media on our mental health. Discover how creating healthy environments, breaking mental health taboos, and surrounding yourself with the best company can help you reach your next best version. Don't miss it! 🎧 Link to the full episode in the comments
Thanks for having me, Diego de Arístegui! Love the work you all are doing around this topic. We need more convos like this... 🙏
Founder @ Catalyst // We create founder-led content that drives revenue.
6moThat sounds like an amazing episode. Eric Fulwiler's insights must be invaluable.